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  • yeeter

    Global Moderator
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    yeeter last won the day on July 8

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    About yeeter

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      Programming, and task automation.

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    1. User @osrsaccz1 has admitted to scamming @Apulz1337 and multiple other users. As a result is permanently banned from Dreambot. We encourage anyone with similar issues to file a dispute for tracking. -DreambotAI
    2. He did indeed reply, I just woke up 5 minutes ago to approve the post to be visible.
    3. @Apulz1337 please respond, or I can flip a coin, your choice.
    4. If anyone stumble into this thread in the future- If the DB client ask you to unzip it you either 1) don't have Java installed or installed properly 2) need to google and run jarfix 3) make sure jar file are associated with Java (google it for your OS)
    5. you want residential proxies, you probably just bought from a shitty supplier. Also probably depends on your setup, are you running 100 accounts off each proxy or something whack? Shit or overused script? bad account seller? botting instantly after tutorial island?
    6. odds of a chainban for 3 accounts are slim to none, odds are they all three just got banned
    7. With this resolution your refund request is still denied.
    8. @camelCase can you confirm if this is still an issue?
    9. By using our platform you agree to our terms and policies which I linked above. The decision is final, sorry for any dissatisfaction in our product this may have caused you. 🫡
    10. Hey @littleman5021 please use the refund template like requested. This is a required step in our process.
    11. Hi @kegan REFUND REQUEST DENIED Your request for a refund is not valid. As outlined in our 'Store Terms and Refund Policy,' bans are not considered a valid reason for a refund. These bans could also be due to the proxy resource you are using. Unless you have set up and own the proxy exclusively, many proxy providers resell and reuse the same proxies across multiple customers. While you may have only created and run a single account, someone else may have run 30 accounts before you. Here are a few suggestions: Try running a few accounts on your home IP address or using a different proxy provider to compare the rates of locks and bans. Keep in mind that Tutorial Island is notoriously challenging for botting. Bans and locks are common, as any seasoned botter or tut seller would tell you. Botting requires a lot of experimentation and trial and error, especially when tackling Tutorial Island. If that level of involvement doesn't interest you, I suggest avoiding botting or trying a different form of botting. Best regards,
    12. Hello friend, I don't know how to contact you. I recently contacted support about my problem. I have no choice but to talk to you directly since they haven't responded to me. What happens is that I don't remember my account information. I'm supposed to recover my password through the email that I usually always use, but I don't get any message to my email to recover it, so I wanted to know if there is any way to recover it. recover my account by providing you with any information you need. That was my account where I paid the monthly payment. I had already purchased some scripts, I would be very grateful if you would help me

      1. yeeter


        talk to pandemic or hashtag

      2. Lymestic


        I sent the message to all the mods, I guess I will have to wait longer than I thought, thanks for responding

    13. Not from DB you didn't, do an internal investigation before saying we did it. Use have I been pwend to check your passwords? Did you buy accounts from a 3rd party seller? at most hacking people we can a few dollars in gp or the account value, but we risk a legit business? Go take a business course and get back to me on that.
    14. the vpn clearly sucks then, stop using it.
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