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  • Apulz1337

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    About Apulz1337

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    1. Surely I'm fine for him to monthly pay back my losses but where do we start and where do we stop? Basically my losses are: - 1000 TuTs bought from ponke = 350$ (I maybe used like 200 of these) - The costs for the 100 AIO Script instances worh of 900$ for 30 days (~1,5 weeks used for no effort / accs getting verified because of his actions) - The GP that got muled off from the Accounts (I have no overview how many it is actually. can be 80m but can also be close to 3-4b) - The banned accounts based on his actions that where mid leveled / close to finish. - The accounts that where verified and password changed by him. - The proxy costs during that 1,5$ per proxy 1:1 assign to accs. Hard for me to tell how much are my losses actually are during this. Also people are messaging me in discord that they have similiar problems with accounts that they bought from ponke. What about them? If he can suggest an amount that he would pay me back and a suggestion of how much of that he can pay per month, that would be an advantage. Because he know better how much GP atleast he actually took.
    2. All this started when I bought 1000 (with an additional 150 free) TuT Accounts from ponke aka osrsaccounts arround the 15th of july. I imported them to EF into a category that included already 100 accounts from another TuT Account seller (important for the first screenshot) and after checking them ~10 days later I saw that more and more accounts getting invalid or already are in p2p while i never touched or used them. So i wrote him an dm and explaining whats going on and also asked him if he got his Logins from a guy named "TNA" because i heard he is selling cracked logins: screen1 screen2 screen3 screen4 screen5 screen6 Summary he/we found out these Logins are not from "TNA". So he offered me to offer me new TuTs once he finsihed them. On the 4th of August i wrote him again because more and more accs getting invalid or banned while i again didnt touched or used them. Also someone logged into the accs that i was building from the TuTs i got from him and ALSO registered them, changed the password and muled of the GP from these accounts. Might be tinfoilhat now but in this time my banrates went from About 4-5 accounts out of 100 accs daily to arround 50 out of 100 daily (Maybe because someone constantly logged in from another IP and cleaning the accs?) whatever. He offered to refund me 150$ (this atleast covers a bit of the costs that i lost by then.) screen7 screen8 screen9 screen10 screen11 So as you can see he said he will clean his database again and asked me to send him the files of the TuTs that i bought from him in the past. I followed it and he even sent me a record of him deleting the duplicates so that he doesn't have my accounts in his database anymore. What happens now is suspicous and funny at the same time. He removed duplicates yes but the accs are still in his database because he didnt removed both lines of the duped accounts. He only deleted one line. So my accs are still in his database. Not even 24 Hours after that i saw that 2 of my mid-build accounts where invalid. Sooooo…. I dm'd him again. And saw that these 2 accounts where in his record "after" "removing" the dupes. screen12 screen13 screen14 screen15 screen16 screen17 screen18 screen19 screen20 screen21 screen22 screen23 Now he even admitted that he verified and changed the password of these 2 example accounts. I blacked out some lines to protect people to not get them involved into that. Also blacked out OSRS Accounts out of the screenshot for the safety of other customers from ponke. So basically he want to cover my costs with sending me files with accounts that are already in p2p so AGAIN accounts that he already sold to other customers. I can tell you I wont touch them because that's not my kind of business I do. He basically told me to do whatever I want with the accounts he sent me and he seems to be absolutely fine with cracking accounts and trying to make the most out of them. I really can just suggest everyone who ever bought accs from ponke aka osrsaccounts to change their passwords.
    3. Date Purchased: 04/04/24 Script Purchased: GColosseum - 2 Instances Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz Reason for Refund: Forgot to cancel renewal Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap: Refund to Store Credit
    4. Date Purchased: 04/01/2024 (Renewal was yesterday) Script Purchased: GScurrius 5 Instances Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz Reason for Refund: forgot to cancel renewal Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): Desired Outcome: Refund to Store Credit Just forgot to cancel the renewal. Don’t need it at the moment.
    5. weeeeeeeee
    6. Awesome 🤑
    7. Are you sure? Still usable for me and also shows me in panel with 1 active instance.
    8. Date Purchased: 10/26/23 - Renewal today 11/26/23 Script Purchased: Sub Vorkath (1 Active Instance) Script Creator (tag them with @): @SubCZ Reason for Refund: Forgott to cancel the renewal Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): Nothing to add Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): Nothing to add Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap - Refund back to store Credit
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