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  • CumminsTurboD

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    Everything posted by CumminsTurboD

    1. I think the stats for death on waterfall is much greater than 1/50. Had three in a row now, now manually doing waterfall:/
    2. ever going to be an update where it can pick up on the middle of quests. if it dies during quest I can't use it at all
    3. it isn't saving my gear before a quest... Like before fight arena for example it banks my staff and runes even if I have save equipment on
    4. if the bot doesn't die, the quest completes, if it dies it can't recover
    5. I did do that... Also, if dies during waterfall, it can't recover itself and move forward, the quest is basically stuck to having to do it by hand
    6. Always dies and gets stuck on witch's house
    7. Error: Script sometimes opens the trading booth in al-karid and gets stuck The muling function isn't as comprehensive as I expected. I thought the script would have a "main mule" option where the main logs on and collects money every half hour lets say for hypothetical reasons. In other words, sure it buys and sells but I can't leave the computer on overnight to mule the money. The accs mule but I have to manually log on. Like I said I was expecting it to be comprehensive as described above. Thank you
    8. Not enough Bottomless compost bucket in bank. Required : 3 Missing items: stopping script. First of all I have a bottomless compost bucket in the bank and 2nd why would it require three? I want to buy the premium version but I want this to work first
    9. well its a pita for me to go through settings like that each time. It's a premium script and we should have that luxury imo
    10. Running well now! Few dislikes/suggestions: Ability to save settings (pain in the ass to re-do things) Loot Table Thank you, I will try to get some proggies for you soon.
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