kingsolo 15 Posted November 6, 2017 Click here to add script to client! Features: Fights anything, anywhere with melee, range or magic. Can fight and switch between customizable safespots when using range or magic. Customizable fight areas Can set level goals (att, str, def) and will evenly switch between them until goals have been reached. Option to hop worlds after a certain amount of time has passed. Eats food (Optional) and gets more from nearest bank (Any area currently supported by Dreambots web walk). Loots items which you specify. (If you your inventory slots are taken up by food, bot will eat food to make room for loot). Option to loot arrows we use and re-equip them. Option to wait for loot to appear from NPC before fighting next NPC. Supports teleporting via teletabs or Spellbook. Can bury bones. Can use Potions (Set potions up in GUI, have potions(3) in bank. The bot will also mix any (1) potions left over when we go to bank with (3) potions). Can use Quick Prayers (Make sure to have your Quick Prayers setup. Will turn on before combat and turn off when we go back to bank). Supports Bones 2 Peaches (Tabs). Special attack support + if you have a 'Dragon dagger(p++)' in your inventory we will switch to that and use that for special attacks instead. Save/load profiles. Will logout at bank when out of food, arrows or runes (This will only happen if we can web walk to the bank) AntiBan (Occasionally will right click players, move camera, check stats etc..). Paint & GUI. Current supported dungeons (Places where you normally can't bank from using web walk): Full Edgeville dungeon (Must have a Brass key in your inventory). Full Varrock sewers (If you're fighting moss giants, make sure to either wield something that can slash a web or have a knife in your inventory) Half Taverley Dungeon (Door to dragons and beyond not yet supported) Lumbridge caves Fremennick Slayer Dungeon Karamja Dungeon/Tzhaar city Asgarnian Ice Dungeon Setup Instructions:Hover over each label in the GUI to find out how to set the relevant field. Important: If you experience any issues with the mouse not clicking tiles correctly or hovering over loot/NPCs, it's likely your zoom settings need resetting. To do this: Log into RS > Options > Right click the mouse zoom icon (Looks like a mouse) and choose 'Restore default zoom' Progress Reports:Ranged with safespots: Melee fighting: Bugs: Please post details of any bugs you find with as much detail as possible, screenshot of your character and the paint, screenshot of the Dreambot debug console (Tools > Debugging > Debug Console) etc.. Release Log: 17/11/17 - v1.0 Released: - Script release 23/11/17 - v1.1 Released: - Added world hopping - Added Multi NPC support - Added bones burying - Increased loot items to max of 8 08/12/17 - v1.2 Released: - Fixed a bug with bot attacking NPC's already under attack when using the NPC Unreachable option. - Added custom NPC interacting method to make camera more humanlike. - Added possible random mouse movements after we attack an NPC or loot. 28/02/2018 - v1.3 Released: - Will now only loot items within the fight area. - Will now close bank rather than walk off when banking (Stops us trying to click things through the bank window) 22/10/2018 - v1.4 Released: - Fixed world hopping. - Changed AntiBan frequency (Now more often) and added additional mouse movements. - Further failsafes when banking added (Will now exit out from a deposit box if accidentally opened) - Changed looting to only attempt to loot when we are within the fight area. 12/12/218 - v 2.0 Released: Changes: Fixed bug where we would sometimes attack NPC whilst already in combat. Reduced Antiban frequency Improved speed depositing different bank items. Added failsafe if bot has trouble looting an item. If we have 5 or higher agility, we will now use shortcut between Falador bank and Taverley dungeon Will no longer eat to make room for stackable items we already have in our inventory New features: - Added new dungeons: Lumbridge Caves Fremennik Slayer Dungeon Karamja Dungeon/Tzhaar City Asgarnian Ice Dungeon - Loot list added and can now loot upto 30+ items. - Added ignore items list (Allows you to specify items not to bank but instead keep them in your inventory). - Potion support added (Set potions up in GUI, have potions(3) in bank. The bot will also mix any (1) potions left over when we go to bank with (3) potions). - Added quick prayer support (Make sure to have your Quick Prayers setup. Will turn on before combat and turn off when we go back to bank). - Added Bones To Peaches support (Using tabs only for now) - Added special attack support for most common weapons, if you have a 'Dragon dagger(p++)' in your inventory we will switch to that and use that for special attacks instead. - Option added to return to bank and logout when we complete a Slayer task. - Teleporting via spellbook added. - Loot total added (Shows total price of all items looted)
kingsolo 15 Author Posted November 8, 2017 Still waiting for this to be added to the SDN, looks like there may be SDN issues at the moment.
kingsolo 15 Author Posted November 14, 2017 Unfortunately not, the SDN has been having issues compiling/adding new scripts since I submitted it. Hopefully the Dreambot devs will fix this shortly!
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