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    Id like to inform everyone that i have 3/3 my account banned that were full members. With reasonable time variances. Sometimes i wouldn't even play for a weeks straight. Thus concluding that

    Dreambot isn't up to par with runescapes detection. I bought the Pest Control bot and it was terrible lots of bugs and errors. Is there another botting website that i can go too. I am officially done with dreambot and canceling my VIP Subscription. It is sad that it had to come to this however i due notice that the people active had decreased dramatically. Good luck to everyone using this Bot, whats the point of botting if you have to sit down and correct the movements every 5 minutes, might as well play the game.


    Please do not get the impression that i am upset. I will find a better bot thats for sure. I am upset however that i had to spend money in order for me to invest in something that gave me no return.

    Do not buy the Pest Control VIP, do not invest in any of the bots that are premiums.


    To the community:

    Wish everyone the best, be safe ! do not trust the script just because its running fine for 10 minutes.


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    you bot you get banned eventually. you even said yourself it's been over the course of week(s) so your time has come.

    sorry young padawan 

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    Not sure why people create threads like this, the pest control bot i used was perfectly fine and I used that until I got full void range. I encountered no issues except the odd ones but the overall functionality wasn't affected. The PC bot i've used it like 1 month ago. DreamBot is perfectly fine in regards to it's detection, you should really be blaming yourself for giving the bots too much expectation and hope. I'm building a batch of high level combat accounts now and I haven't been banned and I know I won't because my expecations on daily basis isn't high as in botting time.


    inb4. Blame yourself not DreamBot.

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    It probably didn't help that you used a script (and probably continued using) one that you just claimed to be extremely buggy. Unless you have a tendency to play manually and be very buggy and erratic, I'd assume that's part of what did you in. I have a private script user who just submitted a 96 hour log on an account and went 62-99 woodcutting doing so, so I'd say it's a bit unfair for you to criticize and entire botting client/community over one faulty script.


    I agree that there are many poorly made scripts, though. Far too many left unremoved from the SDN.

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    Like you said yourself buggy script....who on earth is gonna run a bugging script

    and for your notice that dreambot sucks think agian running 18+hrs 5accounts no bans after more then a month 

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    Can you provide me with proof? Indeed nobody is doing anything to remove or correct faulty scripts. Getting banned by botting is inevitable. But to all the people above i would like to see some proof of what you are saying.

    How can i get my hands on a private script? because i sure would love to get one that works very well. Like i said i have NOT been botting continuous hours, it happens. Overall the quality of scripts have been decreasing and

    those scripters have either left or are scripting to another botting website that is better. Dream bot doesn't suck it lacks organization.

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    If you experience any buggy scripts please report them as broken (we have an appropriate section on the forums) and we'll take a look and remove it if it no longer works :)

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    even if we get many bans ..sadly..but after all dreambot is the best bot out there i tried them all for extended periods of time

    Debatably, but it is one of the best bots out there that is open for all people to use.

    On topic, botting stays a risk, and you brought this upon yourself. (by not having enough experience with botting)

    You learned something from this, use that to continue your botting adventure.

    Private scripts can be bought from a wide variation of bot authors, though i do recommend @Dinh

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