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    Hello everyone!

    I'm new to the Dreambot community & botting in general. However I'm planning on starting a farm, but for that I'm looking to reduce costs left and right as much as I possibly can. So I have an idea & tell me what you guys think. If you like it or not & hell maybe it'll spark up some extra ideas on your end. I won't be diving into the very deep details of how/what I'm exactly going to do just yet.

    1. Main goal

    • 15 account start & avg. lifetime of (hopefully) 7 days per acc.
    • min 350k/h per account & 8h/day botting per account
    • Initial goal: ~294m/week
    • Growth: +5 accounts/week
    • Initial investment: undefined

    2. Hardware & Proxy requirements

    • 1:1 residential proxy ratio
    • Instead of a VPS I'll be creating a raspberry pi 4 b supercomputer cluster using kubernetes & docker (more info down below)

    3. Script requirements

    • Initially premium script(s)
    • Rotate between botting methods (every day different type of botting)
    • Farm manager
    • Mule manager
    • Goal: move on to private scripts for a (hopefully) lower ban ratio


    Replacement for a VPS

    From what I've gathered if I want to start running a scalable & big botfarm I need to have some good hardware. Luckily some of my skills come in handy. So I thought of an idea to replace the expensive monthly vps costs. The downside is that the initial investment will be bigger, however overtime it will be worth the investment. So, what do I exactly mean when I want to build a little supercomputer?

    I'm planning on starting off with a cluster of 4 Raspberry Pi 4 B's & using docker &  kubernetes I'm planning on creating a tiny supercomputer (16 cores, 32gb ram). The cost would be about 80$/pi = 320$. The fun thing about this is that it could handle many accounts & it's easily scalable for, crudely put, a shit ton of accounts. Now, an additional fun part about this is that I can repurpose cluster(s) for VPS services, creating my own VPS service & at the same time still using resources to bot as well. This could passively rake back in the initial investment whilst still being able to bot with a multitude of accounts on it. 

    NOTE: What's being created isn't one big pi, it's 4 different pi's where the load is balanced over the 4 of them. (I won't dive deeper into this, if you want to know more just read up on what kubernetes & pi clusters are)



    So, from what I've written down so far as you can see the initial investment of this botfarm will be quite big. However my goal isn't to simply create a half wacky botfarm. The goal is to make it scalable & lower the monthly costs as much as I can by creating my own hardware & at the same time rent out a part of the specs.

    My main questions would be:

    • in this whole explanation I've given have I missed anything?
    • Are there things I could improve upon?
    • Would you do things differently & why? 
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    What do I think of this setup? 
    What is there not to like about setup? I'm sitting here reading this fundamental statistical analysis, thinking to myself, damn, why go to university when you could follow this comprehensive guide of becoming the next Jeff Bezos of Runescape botting.

    My plans (maybe don't read it):


    Soon I'll be walking down the street and all the Runescape 'girls' will be like "UwU! What’s this?~ someone’s got a bulgy wulgy! A weally BIG bulgy wulgy! Let’s take a wooksie, shall we? What’s that? It’s...it’s a t- tumor? O-Oh".

    My suggestions:

    If you're going to be spending that much on Raspberry PI's, I would suggest going for the cheaper and superior solution of simply using a dedicated server. You should be able to find a decent server either on eBay or Amazon. Pretty much look for something in the price range of like $150-$250 within the scope of 64gb-128GB ram with a CPU Benchmark roughly around 10k or higher (note: when it says dual CPU or 2x CPU, be sure to look up the benchmark for a [DUAL CPU] processor to get an accurate rating).

    Additional Note: If you buy a server, be sure to buy a hard drive and hard drive bay as it is likely not included. It is also a good idea to check if the hard drives for the server are supposed to have a temperature sensor or not. If you try to replace it with any hard drive, it might give false readings, so the fan will always max out, which is annoying.

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    On 10/7/2021 at 5:17 AM, Koschei said:

    What is there not to like about setup? I'm sitting here reading this fundamental statistical analysis, thinking to myself, damn, why go to university when you could follow this comprehensive guide of becoming the next Jeff Bezos of Runescape botting.




    On 10/7/2021 at 2:39 AM, DoritoRancher said:
    • Instead of a VPS I'll be creating a raspberry pi 4 b supercomputer cluster using kubernetes & docker (more info down below)


    this sounds like an epic idea but so many people have had it and no one does it, what koschei said above about buying a used server is more reliable & powerful probably more cost effective as well. 


    this thread  gnar notes you need a raspberry pi 4 with atleast 1gb ram to even do run the bot client, you want 15 accounts running on 4 pis? id be impressed if they can run all that.

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    On 10/7/2021 at 2:39 AM, DoritoRancher said:
    • Rotate between botting methods (every day different type of botting)

    imo this will just obfuscate script quality and do more damage then good to your farm, people bot for 6 hours on a main account and get banned, people will run a priv script for a month straight and be fine, if your bots detected its just detected & you will want to know what script has the high ban rates.


    On 10/7/2021 at 2:39 AM, DoritoRancher said:

    1. Main goal

    • 15 account start & avg. lifetime of (hopefully) 7 days per acc.
    • min 350k/h per account & 8h/day botting per account
    • Initial goal: ~294m/week
    • Growth: +5 accounts/week
    • Initial investment: undefined


    >min 350/hour 
    okay, do you have a method for that, and accounts that can do that method, which brings me onto

    >15 accounts / week

    cost per account? if you're buying them this is a weekly bill to pay + membership codes ~$30/week 

    >initial goal 294m/week

    whats this like $130usd right now? idk gold prices but you are after that $120 membership bill + dreambot vip you are breaking even at best here, these prices are off top of my head so they could be wrong but probably not, plus you wanted to buy proxies so ur in the hole.


    On 10/7/2021 at 2:39 AM, DoritoRancher said:

    I can repurpose cluster(s) for VPS services, creating my own VPS service & at the same time still using resources to bot as well. This could passively rake back in the initial investment whilst still being able to bot with a multitude of accounts on it.

    no offence friend but this is straight retarded, who buys ur scuffed vps over commercial ones? 

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    3 hours ago, camalCase said:


    Hit me right at the core with this comment. Could feel the knife plunge straight into my heart.

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    On 10/6/2021 at 7:17 PM, Koschei said:

    What do I think of this setup? 
    What is there not to like about setup? I'm sitting here reading this fundamental statistical analysis, thinking to myself, damn, why go to university when you could follow this comprehensive guide of becoming the next Jeff Bezos of Runescape botting.

    My plans (maybe don't read it):

      Reveal hidden contents

    Soon I'll be walking down the street and all the Runescape 'girls' will be like "UwU! What’s this?~ someone’s got a bulgy wulgy! A weally BIG bulgy wulgy! Let’s take a wooksie, shall we? What’s that? It’s...it’s a t- tumor? O-Oh".

    My suggestions:

    If you're going to be spending that much on Raspberry PI's, I would suggest going for the cheaper and superior solution of simply using a dedicated server. You should be able to find a decent server either on eBay or Amazon. Pretty much look for something in the price range of like $150-$250 within the scope of 64gb-128GB ram with a CPU Benchmark roughly around 10k or higher (note: when it says dual CPU or 2x CPU, be sure to look up the benchmark for a [DUAL CPU] processor to get an accurate rating).

    Additional Note: If you buy a server, be sure to buy a hard drive and hard drive bay as it is likely not included. It is also a good idea to check if the hard drives for the server are supposed to have a temperature sensor or not. If you try to replace it with any hard drive, it might give false readings, so the fan will always max out, which is annoying.

    To add to this you can get barebone Dell R620's for on the cheap(about 120-150$(ebay or local)). After CPU's and RAM you can easily keep it 200-240$. I currently have a R620 with dual E5 2630L's/56GB of Ram and each bot instance only uses around 4-5% cpu usage. With dual E5-2690's(usually run 60$ for a pair) you can easily probably run up to 40-50 instances no sweat. This will come at the cost of increased power consumption.

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    Before making all these initial investments I would probably try out a proof of concept at least. Run your plan on a small scale for a few weeks with absolutely minimal investment and see how it goes, there are lots of potential issues to hash out before you make a larger investment.

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