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  • Part2: SDN best practices


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    Problem1: git commit histories

    So me and @Hosfad are programming together on a private github repo, and sharing code through that process. When we are ready, we push those changes to the SDN.

    However, when we do so all those individual commits that are in our private repo history also get pushed, and as @Hashtag has told us, this is bloating the amount of work he needs to do. Which is awfully rude of us to do to him!

    Part of @Hashtag's instruction/recommendation to us was (on discord, i got permission to quote):


    "It shouldn't be a repository you use to develop your scripts, for example partial script update changes don't belong there. Only push commits that matter in terms of updating the script. If you're working on an update together, don't use the SDN repository to share the files to each other, because that bloats the repository for us and we have to review each commit you make, even when it doesn't necessarily update the script."

    We don't use the SDN to share files, we use the private github repo. BUT this unfortunately shows up on the SDN all the same, since, as far as i know, the git history on the private repo and the SDN have to be the same.

    How can we make the SDN commits more readable while still being able to share files? The best answer i have so far is "git squash", but that does have its limitations, especially with 2 people.

    Problem 2: Single repo multiple modules

    Part of hastags quote


    "partial script update changes don't belong there."

    Because we have one repo and multiple modules (which i believe according to the text when you make a repo, this is the recommended way of doing things), we may make some meaningless changes to thieving, like comments, commit that to our private repo. But then have to hotfix Fishing, then we have to push that to our private repo, then also to the SDN.

    But since the thieving commit is before the Fishing hotfix, we're forced to push both commits yes? Or is there a way around this?

    11 hours ago, TheCloakdOne said:

    Use simple feature/dev/master branch andf git flow w/ squashed commits

    ^ this. Pretty sure hashtag only cares about the master branch


    This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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