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  • Official DreamBot Scripter Guidelines


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    Hello everyone,

    This has been a long time coming, but we're finally going to lay out our guidelines in a more clear way so that they can be unambiguous.

    In these initial stages, everything will not be listed, and things may change in the future. Let's get started.


    By submitting a script to our SDN or pushing commits to your DreamBot provided repos you agree to follow all of our guidelines.
    Failure to follow these guidelines can result in your scripts being removed, your account being banned, or other punishments.

    1. SDN Scripts

    1.1 Branding

    1.1.1 Information

    Scripts can only make claims that are provably true. This includes in the script's name, description, thread, and anywhere else that's linked to the script.

    Non-compliant examples:

    • Script Name: Best Woodcutter!
    • Script Description: Lowest/no bans ever!
    • Script Thread: Always Updated!

    If script descriptions or threads claim some type of profit/hr, the amounts should be maintained. If we receive a report on inaccurate/outdated/unrealistic claims, the profit/hr portion will be removed by staff and you will be asked to update the rest of your scripts to comply with this guideline.

    1.1.2 Branding

    Scripts (and collections of scripts) can optionally be branded using any of the following:

    • Your name, as long as it doesn't break any other guidelines
    • Any brand name that's not actively in use (see thread) as long as it's not too similar to avoid customer confusion. This thread can be viewed after you have obtained your scripter role.

    1.2 Quality

    Scripts must be of a certain quality and value to the community. While we can't really quantify this, our staff will make the final determination and you'll be able to get a reason why it wasn't accepted.

    1.2.1 Functionality Expectations

    Scripts are expected to have a certain degree of base functionality. The expected requirements for free vs paid scripts are more relaxed. Where available, it's highly encouraged for free scripts to meet as many of the requirements as possible, but that is not always a reasonable ask for a free script.

    The base functionality includes but may not be limited to:

    • Dynamic Start Position - Scripts should be able to be started from nearly anywhere in the OSRS world. if they start at a place our web cannot handle, it is not expected to get to where it needs to be. Logs should be used to show this error. In most cases, using home tele is enough to get them to a location that does work.
    • Automatic Restocking - All scripts should have automatic restocking via the Grand Exchange implemented. This would include selling products and purchasing required ingredients/equipment. Premium only unless it's a general necessary part of the script.
    • Automatic Skill Progression (within reason, premium only) - Scripts are expected to be able to automatically progress. EG: Woodcutters should automatically progress from normal trees->oaks->willow, crafters should auto progress from arrow shafts->gloves->etc. Some scripts may not have this functionality readily available, fighting is a case where an auto progression doesn't have one singular path. In cases like these, the scripter should put effort to allow the user to specify a progression.
    • Automatic Item Progression (within reason, premium only) - Similarly to automatic skill progression, but equipment based. Upgrading axes, weapons, armor, etc.
    • General Functionality - If there is an extra functionality that is commonly used by players/other scripts, it should be implemented (within reason) an example being coal bag in Blast Furnace. Without the coal bag, BF's functionality drops significantly on higher ores. Requirements are more relaxed on free scripts.

    All existing scripts are currently in a stance of "We highly encourage you to update your scripts to follow these new guidelines." this stance may change in the future. If scripts are reported to be poor quality, we may review them and if the changes look trivial to update, we will give you a requirement that they are updated or will be removed. This would be things like "You have to start the script at Varrock bank with X equipped or it will stop" walking to the bank is trivial, getting equipment from a bank is trivial, purchasing required equipment from the GE is trivial.

    1.3 Security

    1.3.1 In Game Account Information

    Scripts must not send any identifiable information about any in game account to any third party service, including services operated by you. You can send certain non-private information when hashed using an approved hashing algorithm. Currently we allow any hashes generated from the SHA-2 family.

    1.3.2 Analytics and Other Data

    Scripts are allowed to send script analytics as long as it's useful to the user running the script and is to be used to improve the script. All information sent must follow 1.3.1, and you shouldn't be able to identify the character running the script.

    Data collection of any other kind must be opt-in (the user has to enable the feature, with the default being off).

    1.4 Communications

    1.4.1 Script Review Requests

    Your scripts can ask for store reviews and/or ratings as long as there is no attempt to divert negative reviews to another channel of communication. It's also against our guidelines to incentivize or reward users for giving reviews. A few examples of an incentive or reward include: real money, in game currency, store credit, or access to other paid scripts. This guideline is to ensure the integrity of given reviews, to make sure they're as unbiased as possible so prospective customers can accurately make a purchasing decision.

    1.4.2 Tips / Donations

    Your scripts can have donation or tip links and/or buttons, however it cannot be required in order to use the script and cannot offer anything in return for the donation.

    1.5 Rights

    By committing, pushing, or submitting an SDN script to us you agree that you have all rights to use anything included in those pushes including but not limited to code, copy, and images uploaded. Furthermore, with anything that you push to your repositories or submit to us via our SDN you grant us (DreamBot) a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use anything submitted for any reason necessary to provide our services. We will not sell or transfer your information to any third party, and it will strictly be used to provide our services (including but not limited to displaying it in our store, on the SDN pages, compiling and distributing the script to users of the client).

    2. Private Scripts

    2.1 Definition

    Private scripts are local JAR or compiled class files that can be loaded when placed in our Scripts folder.

    2.2 Sales

    You are free to sell private scripts to other users, however you cannot advertise it on any of our platforms unless you have the Scripter+ rank active.

    Scripts available on the SDN (even with minor changes) cannot be sold privately or authorized by the script writer in exchange for anything of value. All SDN script sales must go through the store, if they can't make the purchase themselves using their payment method they can purchase a voucher.

    Private scripts (even with minor changes) cannot be resold to multiple people. If you plan on selling multiple copies of the same script, it should always be done through our SDN.

    While you are free to sell scripts on other platforms, you cannot steer our users to another platform or alternative store that also sells scripts.


    If your scripts are found not to be compliant, you'll be contacted to make them compliant. If you can't do that in a reasonable amount of time, we'll hide the script from the SDN and the store if applicable.

    Once these are more fleshed out, we will convert it to a doc page for our Guides section.

    Let me know if you'd like us to clear up any of the guidelines listed, or if you'd like to see new guidelines added.


    The Dream Team

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    • Pandemic changed the title to Offical DreamBot Scripter Guidelines
    • Pandemic changed the title to Official DreamBot Scripter Guidelines
    • 4 months later...

    In the Sales section, could we include guidelines on incorporating a 'tipping jar' link/button? This is a prevalent revenue method for developers offering free software. I believe it could attract higher-quality scripts to the Free section. However, I'm also mindful that it might impact revenue for the Dreambot platform, although I'm not fully versed in the current revenue model for this platform.

    Edited by sloppybot
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    17 minutes ago, camalCase said:


    I'm just curious about the regulations around this, not necessarily advocating for it if it's disallowed. 

    To address your question, though, here are some thoughts:

    1. Optional Payment and Quality: When users can tip, it might inspire scripters to put out great work, hoping users will appreciate and tip for their efforts.

    2. Accessibility with Tip Jars: Free scripts with the option to tip can mean more people get to use the script. If they find value, they might just drop a tip, possibly making up for not having a set price.

    3. Feedback through Tips: Tips can give scripters a sense of how their script is received. It's also a nudge for them to keep updating and making it better.

    4. Building a Positive Community: Having scripts available for free with a tip jar could create a warm, supportive environment among users and developers. This camaraderie might just indirectly push for better quality.


    Just some thoughts to ponder!

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    1 hour ago, sloppybot said:

    In the Sales section, could we include guidelines on incorporating a 'tipping jar' link/button? This is a prevalent revenue method for developers offering free software. I believe it could attract higher-quality scripts to the Free section. However, I'm also mindful that it might impact revenue for the Dreambot platform, although I'm not fully versed in the current revenue model for this platform.

    This does not appear to break the guidelines, and I don't think it would impact Dreambot revenue, but equally I don't imagine a developer using this strategy to get many tips.

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    18 hours ago, sloppybot said:

    1. Optional Payment and Quality: When users can tip, it might inspire scripters to put out great work, hoping users will appreciate and tip for their efforts.

    2. Accessibility with Tip Jars: Free scripts with the option to tip can mean more people get to use the script. If they find value, they might just drop a tip, possibly making up for not having a set price.

    3. Feedback through Tips: Tips can give scripters a sense of how their script is received. It's also a nudge for them to keep updating and making it better.

    4. Building a Positive Community: Having scripts available for free with a tip jar could create a warm, supportive environment among users and developers. This camaraderie might just indirectly push for better quality.

    all of these points are just more true for paid scripts. point 2 which could be reworded as, some of your users pay nothing, which is something you wouldnt want

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    20 hours ago, sloppybot said:

    In the Sales section, could we include guidelines on incorporating a 'tipping jar' link/button? This is a prevalent revenue method for developers offering free software. I believe it could attract higher-quality scripts to the Free section. However, I'm also mindful that it might impact revenue for the Dreambot platform, although I'm not fully versed in the current revenue model for this platform.

    Added that (1.4.2).

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