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  • 👑Dreamy Fletcher👑| Auto restock | Task system | Bows | Stringing | Darts | Arrows | Javelins | Crossbows | Gems |


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    👑Dreamy Fletcher👑| Auto restock | Task system | Bows | Stringing | Darts | Arrows | Javelins | Crossbows | Gems |


    • Can fletch all logs
    • Strings all bows
    • Make all darts
    • Make all arrows
    • Make all bolts
    • Craft all javelins
    • Make all crossbows
    • Cut all gems
    • Task system
    • Restocking (Buying & Selling)
    • Profiles ( Quickstarting).







    CLI example:

    start java -jar C:\Users\YOUR_USER\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Dreamy Fletching" -params "profile_name"

    Edited by Zawy
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    16 minutes ago, Cata 1 said:

    is there a bot that will cut and fletch arrow shafts


    I will add that!

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    • Zawy changed the title to Zawy's AIO Fletcher[MAKE BOWS][Stringing] [Darts] [$3,99] [ AUTO PROGRESSION ]
    • 3 weeks later...
    21 hours ago, yikesscoob said:

    it opens the  bank and thats when i get the expection error. i have 12000 magic longbows and strings and it wont do anything

    Can you show me what the debug console says?

    and try to remove your jagex cache

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    is there something broken with stringing bows? purchased this recently and it cuts logs fine but when you go to string them and you click start it opens bank and stops straight away?

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