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  • GGWP

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    1. Hey there, sorry to hear that. Dreambot has a automated break system built in, it's in the options
    2. Looking into this. Sorry for the late answer. I somehow missed this post. The script could be used for over 8 hours but I wouldn't recommend it. Switching it with activities lowers the banrate considerable as you account wont be busy doing only one thing. Using breaks helps too. Oaks and Yews feels like a higher ban chance but could be placebo. Remember that if you use a VPN IP, your account gets flagged quickly. Great to hear you like the script, it's words like these that encourage me. Funny story, when I made the script I didn't expect it to become the biggest woodcutting script haha. Small update soonTM. (And I might release another script.)
    3. Hey guys, It seems the script started to break after I went away for a while. I will take a look at the issues and see if I can swiftly resolve them. Maybe improve it a bit since my coding skills have improved.
    4. Is Randomize on? If it's off it will go to closest location but if its on it might just try to go somewhere else.Problem is WC guild is a new location so I still have to fix pathing issues and might just disable it if a player is in that area. Nice!
    5. Still looking into both issues. Fixed that, changes will be up in 24 hours.
    6. Oh shit, I didn't even know Corsair Cove had yews, ill add it in shortly together with the maples and try to figure why it behaves like that
    7. Found the issue, should be resolved. My bad, was a typo somewhere. Should work after it gets updated Select Fresh start in options and restart client, resolved it for me, seems a cache issue.
    8. Fixed this issue. That is weird, couldn't reproduce that...could you elaborate what steps you have taken and show me your debug log? I might have fixed that. I have taken a small break as I had to celebrate xmas and new years ofcourse! I have now adjusted some parts of the script so work better and added some new extra areas. The script should be more responsive. Should be compiled around 48 hours.
    9. Added in, should be compiled and updated soon. Interesting, could you show me your debug console? Added partial support for oaks, yews and magics in WC guild. Update 2.8 contains: Dragon axe and infernal axe special WC Guild partial support oaks/yews/magic Code optimization/changes GUI changes Weird magic stuff New version should be compiled and on the SDN within 24-48 hours.
    10. Should work as soon as the updated version is compiled and on repository.
    11. changed worldhopping a bit, should not do that anymore. I might redo it completely so it I don't have to manually update the list. That's weird, it worked before. I changed some stuff, it should cut the trees at Sorc Tower NW and inside there but let me know if it still doesn't work, can't test atm. Also feel free to suggest spots that don't work (be sure to have randomize area off)
    12. It should work there but I didn't test out the area. It definitely works at lumbridge yews and draynor yews. I will retest some areas and add some new ones
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