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  • Gnar

    Lifetime Sponsor
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    Everything posted by Gnar

    1. can a staff member pm me so that i can see which IPs had access to my account? I can give any verification that they may need to make sure I am who I am. the reason why i think i was hacked was because as i was botting, the dreambot client kicks me out because i was using too many instances. as soon as that happened i changed my password but still would like to know if i was officially hacked or not
    2. Hand Made Accounts All accounts are Handmade 700k per account (1-10) 600k per account (11-20) Stock: 70 Tradeable Accounts 4m Per account (1-29) 3m Per account (30+) Stock: 0 have an order of 100+, so expect slower stock updates Custom Orders Custom orders can be made but can cost more depending on the requirements price will only go up IF your asking me to do it in a short amount of time. otherwise expect the same price as normal the premade accounts TOS All account sales are final and no refunds For these accounts (handmade accounts) if any of them are locked/banned/muted, I am not responsible for them For specific country accounts payment is required upfront Buyer always goes first unless has higher rep then I do on Dreambot ONLY I have the right to refuse any and all service if I so wish to do, for any reason I might add. please give feedback on Dreambot after you are done buying please and thank you Other Info I do not have a reliable bot to do tut botted accounts, so don't ask for that, if and when I do, I will provide cheaper accounts with new rules as well as my hand made accounts as well Contact Info PMs on the website Gnar#9358 https://discord.gg/J42NGrmZsj
    3. reporting this before i get banned for fraudding you guys XD and the money is on my account as store credit too
    4. thats upsetting, because i have 2 out of the 5 scripts... one of them is the shopper... i think the most expensive one. i bought it a few years ago so i cant get a refund ether. edit: if i were to pay the price of both the ones i have now, i would own all 5 XD
    5. is this just a packaged deal? instead of buying #shopping #item mixing and so on and so forth separately, I can just buy it all together? if so what about the people who have already bought the other scripts separately? would I be allowed to gain a discount for the packaged script? assuming its a bundle of scripts
    6. when fire making, this bot is slightly impatient
    7. Updated 6/3/2022 ok dont be using raspberry pis for your botting means, all accounts that logged in to my raspberry pi all got banned for botting regardless whether i botted on them or not ok so i was going to just add this in the comments of DreamBot & Linux [Tutorial] but i found that there is a little more to it then that... idk i might just be a noob but what ever, so here is what i did note you need a pi 4 1GB or better otherwise you cant really do this if your going for raspberry pi setup then do this: VNC in to your pi, if you dont know how to do that there are tuts on YouTube everywhere just look for one if your raspberry pi is a fresh download then be sure to update and upgrade the pi Go to the java website HERE and download the latest version of JDK 1.8 32 bit ARM Linux(dreambot does not work with anything higher at the time i am writing this) after you download the file move it to where ever you want to move it (i moved it to my /opt file) open the command prompt/terminal (whatever you guys want to call it) type/copy and paste this in: sudo tar -zxvf jdk-8u333-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt.tar.gz (note you will have to replace jdk-8u241-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt with yours) sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_333/bin/java 1 (note you may have to replace jdk1.8.0_333 with your version) sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk1.8.0_333/bin/javac 1 (note you may have to replace jdk1.8.0_333 with your version) cd cd Desktop wget https://dreambot.org/DBLauncher.jar java -jar DBLauncher.jar added info: all of your dreambot info goes to /home/pi/DreamBot /pi is the username so if you changed it look where ever you changed it at if you already downloaded java for what ever reason but you cant get dreambot to work AND you did my method above please use sudo apt remove jdk* then try it, if it still fails redo my method above... if it does not work please ask i might be able to find out whats wrong More Added info: you can create a desktop app and you dont even need to use terminal for this note if you changed the path to some of this you will need to adjust to it First create a new file, call it Dreambot.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Dreambot Cliet StartupWMClass=Dreambot Comment=Run the Dreambot Client GenericName=Old School Runescape Exec=java -jar /home/pi/Desktop/DBLauncher.jar Icon=/home/pi/Icons/Dreambot.png Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Game save it again hope this helps any of you guys, and i hope you have a grate day have any questions or if i did something dumb please tell me, i have re read this tut to make sure it works and i attempted it on my own pis 3 times so far so i think i did ok on this, again please if you have any questions tell me i will try my best to help this guide still works, however dreambot client runs... chopper then i remembered it.
    8. ohhhh i see, i have openjdk "11.0.5" 2019-10-15
    9. and i still cant do dreambot because it does not work properly, i have another bot client working but not dreambot
    10. i install jdk defaults normally because i have problems through the website
    11. oh also forgot to say, they can have up to 4gb of ram, but you really only need 1-2 because you can only run up to 2 bots
    12. tbh i just need it to run a script that will be running for a few hours, i dont want to run it on my main computer because its annoying to keep it up. if you can help out with that then that would be amazing
    13. what about a raspberry pi 4 they have double the CPU power then the 3 and other bot clients can use them... or at least one other bot client can
    14. has anyone got this to work on a raspberry pi?
    15. does this bot have anti pk prayers? if the skull player is using range it would do range prayer if the skull player is using magic it would use magic prayer... thus making this look less like a bot to pkers so less people report you and you have a higher chance to run away if someone tellyblocks you
    16. i only got the 24 hour trial so i cant help you with that sorry buddy
    17. when playing the the scrip... ok then client console has more for me to say to you... lets start with the bug i found for some reason it got stuck on one account at the gate going to the chefs area another account loved this wall sooooo much it did not want to leave https://imgur.com/MRrxB5E there are a lot of bugs in the start of TUT and again after manually correcting it it gets stuck again https://imgur.com/a/9ELfVwE it looks like its having problems with the screen resizing, because as soon as i fix that, it starts working again and also exceptions i should report to you i guess [ERROR]07:57:39: Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.ReduceOps$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.collect(Unknown Source) at org.dreambot.api.script.impl.TaskScript.onLoop(TaskScript.java:73) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java:256) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) unknown location [ERROR]08:30:38: Exception has occurred while running! Please report error to developer if problem persists: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.dreambot.hashtag.questing.nodes.TutorialIslandNode.execute(Unknown Source) at org.dreambot.api.script.impl.TaskScript.onLoop(TaskScript.java:84) at org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript.run(AbstractScript.java:256) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) got this one 3 times looks like i got the error code when coming out of the combat area in TUT island
    18. it looks like the auto f2p worlds only does not consist of the new worlds, not a big bug but i thought you would like to know
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