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  • veza

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    About veza

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    1. What is misleading?
    2. Yeah, lamps were the best, as we previously did not consider volume.
    3. Can confirm that Duke works properly, we're waiting for a video to figure out what's going on
    4. Turn noob mode off, under antiban settings.
    5. I added a scroll pane for the next release, will be resizeable to any size. Should resolve this issue. Sorry for delay, I was on vacation and I typically do the GUI work. Due to the delay, @Nuclear Nezz I believe we should add 7 days of instance time
    6. None of us directed you to submit a refund. In the picture provided it completed wave 1 and started wave 2, what is the issue?
    7. "after days of tickets being closed or ignored" Your ticket was open for a total of 26 hours. That is not even close to being ignored. You get a private message on discord from the bot after your ticket closes explaining everything. You refused to read the message sent to you from the bot multiple times. The exact message sent is as follows: Since you apparently submitted 4 tickets, and 3 of them were closed, you would have received this message 3 times.
    8. "Ignore you for hours" correct, we are humans & sleep. You submitted a report yesterday & it was handled yesterday. Your issues were: Not enough gold on the account, hence why it was using the GE more often - as there was not enough gold to buy sufficient supplies. As for not selling loot keys, that issue has not been reported. Though, from your logs, it would appear that it's because you were consistently stopping the script - prior to the script being able to sell loot. When the script then starts again, how can it know that the loot is from a loot key?
    9. Please submit a bug report, we will fix any and all issues
    10. Bans arent a valid reason to get a refund. Though, I would like to know what kind of inefficiencies you have noticed. Both of those scripts perform exceptionally well. Please make a script suggestion in our discord about potential improvements you would like added.
    11. Also, that is expected behavior. The script is functional, it's selling loot, it set your gearset with our dynamic gear, and it's restocking. Nothing is broken. As mentioned above, you can customize all of this.
    12. Hi, GBlastFurnace does make bars at the blast furnace
    13. We've had tons of fire cape completions, and no bug reports on it in months. I am skeptical to believe that you've been unable to complete a single cape in 31 attempts with 90 range. In any case, assuming your screenshot is from a recent failure: - 702 tokkul means you died on wave 27. - Wave 27 has 1 melee, 1 ranger, 1 45 and 2 bats, which the bot would most definitely have no problems completing, even on a pure with significantly worse stats. - Your screenshot also has zero prayer, while having super restores in the inventory, which definitely would not have happened under normal circumstances. There's nothing that takes priority over restoring prayer in the script. - There's significant supply usage for such a short period of time in the cave. Especially given that you're using a blowpipe, you shouldn't even be using any food until wave 53. The only reasonable explanation that I can think of, to be dying this often & early would be immensely high ping, severe lag and or fully disconnecting. Please submit a bug report in our discord: https://discord.gg/gscripts preferably with a video so we can identify how it is failing.
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