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  • Jordy_99

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    Everything posted by Jordy_99

    1. Love the script! But possibility to add bolts and tipped bolts?
    2. Hi what are the differences between the mousetypes? + Could be nice if you can add an algoritmh for the mouse to go off screen.
    3. Love the script, works perfect! Possibility to expand it for more courses?
    4. Possibility to do an update on this one, it was such a good script.
    5. very progressive, would be nice if there is a possibility to do it slower
    6. If I try to alch rune kiteshield, it gives a warning that it's a high valuable item but the script don't recognize the warning so it will not alch it. When getting the warning, you have to say go further with alching, knowing that it's high valuable.
    7. Sometimes the bot decides to teleport with the runes in invernory for no reason and can't find the way back.
    8. By starting the script, it empties first everything in the inventory to the bank even though everything needed is already in the inventory. Maybe let it first check it? Sometimes it forget the gems in bank and this cause that the bot don't move anymore at the furnace.
    9. The bot does not take my logs out of the bank, so the script stops. Is it because my best logs, yew, can I not light?
    10. Could it also be made for pure essence? sheaper cost
    11. The fire and the earth alter doesn't work because of the cliff, the bot starts turning the screen but can't see the alter in one time so it doesn't move. The air alter works fine because it sees the alter in one time. Further would it be nice if the bot is less progressive, it personally would be nicer if it's more afk or passive. Overall I love the bot!
    12. nice fixings, but seems a bit too progressive at the moment, not just like afking
    13. The amount of free scripts at the moment is so low... Can the old scripts be updated or create just some new scripts please.
    14. Banking is not really anti-ban proof. The bot is banking at Edgeville and a few seconds later, it changes from position to bank again.
    15. Does not work anymore? can you fix it
    16. Jordy_99

      Faygos Gold Rings

      Does not work anymore?
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