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  • badgeiam

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    About badgeiam

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    1. when using the dreambot scheduler option, is there a specific way to type out the quikstart paramaters? I have profiles saved within many of the scripts included, but cant get the scheduler to start any of them. Thanks!
    2. Is there a way to use any of the scripts within this bundle to have a player pickup items from a specific area? All the raw chicken and bones in lumby for example. I cant seem to find one that allows for setting an area to stay within. Love all the scripts by the way! Definitely worth the purchase!
    3. After it buys the scimitar, it deposits everything into the bank. The script then stops altogether. Am I doing something wrong?
    4. Pretty cool script. Only question I have is when picking redberries, why does it hop worlds twice before picking again? More times than not there are berries on the first world he hops too, but bypasses these and hops again. Thanks!
    5. Awesome batch of scripts! Only issue is some of the quests have been wonky. Digsite quest freezes just outside of the experts building (end of quest). Tree gnome village freezes as soon as he gets to just north of the tree gnome village location. For what's included, this lists of scripts was well worth the money!
    6. script works well. banned after 5 minutes using medium antiban. will try heavier anti ban on the next go.
    7. The bar that shows the status, cycled through searching for a spot to fish and traversing (though, my character never moved) repeatedly. Once this started, the script didn't click on anything.
    8. worked well during the trial for 40 minutes in the fishing guild, then starting cycling through traversing and searching for 10 mins.
    9. Same issue others have mentioned. Script stops after banking in fishing guild. Any fix?
    10. when mining iron in mining guild, player runs to a door. the actions then stop altogether. is there something I need to do to setup this bot? Did not tick drop or worldhop. Stop script set to level 85.
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