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    Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/24 in all areas

    1. Simple Fishing Trawler: an easy to set-up Fishing Trawler script. Start near the Fishing Trawler minigame and have swamp paste in inventory. Requirements: -Swamp paste in inventory. -15 Fishing. Features: -Pastes holes. Pm me on Discord about any problems running the script. Discord : SimpleScripts#8068 Simple.
      1 point
    2. Waves are done, need to do jads and zuk now
      1 point
    3. There's basically no performance hit with that. You could simply increase the thickness and it'd probably look just fine. I was just trying to emulate the runelite plugin. I'll probably work on it a little more when I get bored. I found some glow thing on stack exchange yesterday that I'd like to try out.
      1 point
    4. 1 point
    5. Needs a option to remove looting other then that it's good get stuck sometimes on trying to loot bones.
      1 point
    6. 1 point
    7. I agree I tried setting it up for an ironman but was having issues. Will totally buy lifetime if thats the case
      0 points
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