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DreamBot's QuickStart / CLI

Power users of DreamBot that want a way to automate and speed up launching their bot farms should look no further than our QuickStart offering.

QuickStart allows users to set a wide array of parameters to control everything from the account that should log in, proxy selection, and even configure supported script settings all from one command.

QuickStart is a VIP feature, so if you're looking to make the most of your bots, consider upgrading today.

Command Line

While the examples below can be directly copy and pasted into a command line of your choice, they can also be put in a script file of your operating system (batch files for Windows, shell scripts on Unix based systems, etc.).

All of these examples will have paths that might not match your system, so you'll need to change them accordingly.


There are many other parameters supported by QuickStart, these are just a few simple examples showing some common use cases.

You can find at the bottom of this page the full list of supported parameters.

Start a script called "Test Script" on an account with the saved nickname "Account 1", with Covert Mode enabled:

java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Test Script" -account "Account 1" -covert
java -jar /home/YOURNAME/DreamBot/BotData/client.jar -script "Test Script" -account "Account 1" -covert

Same settings as above, but use a proxy saved with a nickname of "US Proxy":

java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Test Script" -account "Account 1" -covert -proxy "US Proxy"
java -jar /home/YOURNAME/DreamBot/BotData/client.jar -script "Test Script" -account "Account 1" -covert -proxy "US Proxy"

You can also start scripts and configure them if they support QuickStart parameters, usually to avoid manually filling out a GUI.

Only scripts that support the QuickStart params will accept and use them, and their format depends on the scripter. If you still need help setting it up, try contacting the scripter directly.


The params flag must be the last parameter you set as it can take any number of arguments!

java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Test Script" -params Param1 Param2 Param3
java -jar /home/YOURNAME/DreamBot/BotData/client.jar -script "Test Script" -params Param1 Param2 Param3


This will ignore DreamBot's memory limiting which is normally found at the bottom of the launcher, to limit the memory usage put -Xmx512M before -jar

java -Xmx512M -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Test Script" -params Param1 Param2 Param3
java -Xmx512M -jar /home/YOURNAME/DreamBot/BotData/client.jar -script "Test Script" -params Param1 Param2 Param3

Available Parameters

Parameter Arguments Description
-account Account nickname This will be the game account used to log in.
-accountUsername Game username If not selecting an account by nickname, this is the login email.
-accountPassword Game password If not selecting an account by nickname, this is the login password.
-accountPin Bank pin If not selecting an account by nickname, this is the bank pin (optional).
-breaks Comma separated list of breaks ONLY these breaks will be enabled (use their nickname).
-covert None This will enable Covert Mode.
-debug None This enables certain debug logging for tracking down tricky issues.
-destroy None This will exit the program if DreamBot fails to load.
-fps FPS This will set the client's frames per second.
-fresh None This will enable fresh start for the client.
-help None This will show all available QuickStart options in your version of the client.
-json Full path QuickStart settings file. Using this option will ignore all other args provided.
-layout no_preference or fixed or resizable_classic or resizable_modern The game's layout preference.
-width Width in pixels The client's width.
-height Height in pixels The client's height
-minimized None This will force the client to be minimized on start.
-mouse-speed Speed (1-100) The mouse speed the client should use, with 100 being mouse hopping.
-no-covert None This will disable Covert Mode.
-no-download None This will stop the client from downloading the game if it's outdated or corrupt.
-no-fresh None This will disable fresh start for the client.
-proxy Proxy nickname This will set the client's proxy by nickname.
-proxyHost Proxy host If not selecting a proxy by nickname, this is the proxy's host.
-proxyPort Proxy port If not selecting a proxy by nickname, this is the proxy's port.
-proxyUser Proxy user If not selecting a proxy by nickname, this is the proxy's user.
-proxyPass Proxy password If not selecting a proxy by nickname, this is the proxy's password.
-render all or script or none This will set the client's rendering mode. Note: the script option means we'll only render the script's paint.
-script Script's name This will start the script that matches the provided name.
-version Script's version If there are multiple versions of a script, you can set it here.
-params Script params This is for supported script params, please see the script thread. Use this parameter last in your command, always.
-userhome Relative path This will set the user home folder of the client.
-username DreamBot username This is your DreamBot username. Used to log in to DreamBot if you haven't already.
-password DreamBot password This is your DreamBot password. Used to log in to DreamBot if you haven't already.
-world World number (>300) or f2p or members This will be the world the client loads into. The "f2p" and "members" options will choose a random matching world.