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  • (Goal) First time gold farming


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                Hey boys, I'm a first time botter/gold farmer dreaming big. I've been playing runescape for as long as I can remember now, it was my childhood. Back in the day I use to be very bad at the game since I was younger and didn't really have a clue as to what botting or selling gold was during the glory days of it without bans. Back in 2012 I quit because (as you probably guessed) EOC. I came back in 2015 for oldschool deadman mode and have been hooked ever since. Back in the day I never gambled or touched the duel arena, but during 2016 I lost a lot of money on a gambling site and the duel arena. I'm a college student with a part time job making 15$/h CAD so as you guessed I didn't have the biggest bank irl. Whenever I could scrape extra $ I would buy gold and usually lose it. In total I would say I've lost around 800$ CAD. I will update daily-weekly depending on how much time I have (College student), Any tips or feedback would be appreciated.









                                                    Vip+ dreambot - Would recommend (7.99$)

                                                                                                      Vpsfish -Terrible, slow, waste of 12$. (12$)

                                                                                                    Scripts- 2.99$

               Rsgold- 5m (8.99$)

           Total cost: 32$



                                                              10mAccomplished Febuary 23rd 2017






    Week 1 February 20th-27th

    Accounts banned: 12

    Money Made: 13.4m

    Summary: The week started off very rough, I used 3m for one account only for it to get banned within 1 day with it only making me 400k, demotivated and angry I decided to think of a new strategy, I made mass f2p accounts and just suicide botted them to make my money back. After having the original 5m back I changed my method and got another bond. This time the strategy worked and the account is still alive today, I continued with the f2p botting and put the member account on another ip for safety. Eventually on friday my cash stack was 18.4m and I have a account with members. During the weekend the disconnects were terrible and I decided it would be better to not bot since they werent making much money during the server problems. I don't believe I will grow my farm this week due to the servers but look out for a progress report next monday

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    Support, VPSfish is the shittiest VPS on the market for botting. (I wasted $20 :( )


    Good luck with your goals. Keep us updated


    Name a good one. I am interested.

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    Name a good one. I am interested.


    Virmach's Linux VPS (dont buy their OSRS botting VPS, its a rip off) 


    Banker's VPS service here on DreamBot 


    Edit: and Trumps :) 

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