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  • Refund Request

    Recommended Posts

    1. Date Purchased: 05/06/2024
    2. Script Purchased: Guester - Lifetime
    3. Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz
    4. Reason for Refund:I created a support ticket 3 days ago and have not received a response
      I haven't used this script for 3 days
    5. Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs):  yXX3Ia1.png
    6. Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): 
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    Hey, it appears your runtime exceeds the runtime limit of 6 hours we have for refunds. For this reason you're not eligible for a refund for this purchase unless you are able to provide proof of the script being faulty. In order to do proceed with this request, please include the required proof of the script issues you're experiencing, and also a proof of attempted scripter contact.

    The lead developer of the script is on a vacation, but there are other developers you can ask for assistance with the script. Try contacting @Nuclear Nezz for example.

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    How is 6h the time limit if scripts that offer testing are 45h on dreambot?
    each post you put a different time
    one is 45 hours limit the other 6h


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    I'm not sure what 45 hours you are referring to. The 6 hour limit is stated in our refund terms: https://dreambot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/16561-store-terms-and-refund-policy/

    On 11/24/2018 at 7:14 PM, Nuclear Nezz said:

    Runtime Limits

    All script purchases after August 7, 2021 are subject to our new runtime limits when requesting a refund. If you have used and ran the purchased script more than 6 hours across all accounts you are no longer eligible for refund unless it meets another valid reason (early removal, abandoned, etc.).


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