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  • Gains AIO F2P Fighter [All combat styles] - [Suicide training] - [Loot banking] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]

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    Posted (edited)



    All combat styles - Suicide training - Food eating - Loot banking - Bone burying




    • Trains Attack, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Magic, Hitpoints and Prayer with a progressive task system.
    • When the desired level has been reached or X amount of enemies have been killed, the bot will start the next task.
    • You can save the task list and settings to a text file and load them quickly.
    • Supports any equipment, for example, jewelry for teleporting.
    • Supports the buying and selling of items in the Grand Exchange.
    • Supports QuickStart.
    • Supports waking up Golems and fighting them at Ruins of Camdozaal.
    • Supports Suicide training (when not using food and the bot dies, it will loot its grave, put on the equipment and continue training).



    • If fighting Golems at Ruins of Camdozaal, have Below Ice Mountain quest completed.
    • If fighting Ogresses at Corsair Cove Dungeon, have The Corsair Curse quest partially completed.



    • If using food, have it in the bank.
    • If training Magic, you must use a staff.
    • If fighting enemies at Varrock Dungeon, have Brass key in the bank.
    • If fighting enemies at Varrock Sewers, have Knife in the bank or use a slashing weapon.
    • If fighting enemies at Karamja Dungeon, have at least 60gp in the bank.
    • Add bones to the loot list if you want the bot to bury them.
    • Add arrows to the loot list if you want the bot to reuse them.


    Locations supported:

    • Lumbridge Farms: Chicken (lvl 1)
    • Lumbridge River: Goblin (lvl 2), Giant spider (lvl 2)
    • Lumbridge Pastures: Cow (lvl 2), Cow calf (lvl 2)
    • Edgeville Storage: Man (lvl 2)
    • Edgeville Monastery: Monk (lvl 5)
    • Goblin Village: Goblin (lvl 5)
    • Al Kharid Palace: Al Kharid warrior (lvl 9)
    • Lumbridge Swamp: Frog (lvl 5), Giant rat (lvl 6), Big frog (lvl 10), Giant frog (lvl 13)
    • Rimmington Road: Air wizard (lvl 13), Water wizard (lvl 13), Earth wizard (lvl 13), Fire wizard (lvl 13)
    • Varrock Stone Circle: Dark wizard (lvl 7), Dark wizard (lvl 20)
    • Draynor Village Sewers: Zombie (lvl 13), Skeleton (lvl 22), Zombie (lvl 24), Skeleton (lvl 25)
    • Chaos Temple: Monk of Zamorak (lvl 17), Monk of Zamorak (lvl 22)
    • Barbarian Village Pub: Barbarian (lvl 15), Barbarian (lvl 17), Gunthor the brave (lvl 29)
    • Varrock Palace: Guard (lvl 21)
    • Falador Central: Guard (lvl 19), Guard (lvl 21), Guard (lvl 22)
    • Varrock Dungeon: Hill Giant (lvl 28)
    • Edgeville Dungeon: Zombie (lvl 18), Skeleton (lvl 21), Skeleton (lvl 22), Skeleton (lvl 25), Hobgoblin (lvl 28), Hobgoblin (lvl 42)
    • Varrock Sewers: Deadly red spider (lvl 34), Moss giant (lvl 42)
    • Ruins of Camdozaal: Flawed Golem (lvl 13), Mind Golem (lvl 30), Body Golem (lvl 50)
    • Asgarnian Ice Dungeon: Mugger (lvl 6), Pirate (lvl 26), Ice giant (lvl 53), Ice warrior (lvl 57)
    • Karamja Dungeon: Deadly red spider (lvl 34), Lesser demon (lvl 82)
    • Corsair Cove Dungeon: Ogress Warrior (lvl 82), Ogress Shaman (lvl 82)
    • Stronghold of Security: Goblin (lvl 5), Goblin (lvl 11), Minotaur (lvl 12), Goblin (lvl 13), Spider (lvl 24), Minotaur (lvl 27), Flesh Crawler (lvl 35), Giant spider (lvl 50), Catablepon (lvl 68), Ankou (lvl 75), Shade (lvl 159), Zombie (lvl 159)


    Items not supported yet:

    • Safespotting (Ranged and Magic).







    • Fill out the form and save the task list and settings to a text file.
    • Open the text file and copy everything.
    • Add -params "" at the end of your QuickStart file.
    • Paste the settings inside the quotation marks.
    • Example: -params "Tasks:1. Skill: Attack | Mobs: Chicken (lvl 1) | Location: Lumbridge Farms | Food: None | Loot: Feather | Equipment: Bronze sword, Wooden shield | Goal: Reach level 20;2. Skill: Defence | Mobs: Goblin (lvl 5), Goblin (lvl 11), Goblin (lvl 13) | Location: Stronghold - War 1 | Food: Herring x 25 | Loot: Bones | Equipment: Mithril scimitar, Iron full helm, Iron platebody, Iron platelegs, Iron kiteshield | Goal: Reach level 20;3. Skill: Ranged | Mobs: Flawed Golem (lvl 13) | Location: Ruins of Camdozaal - Flawed | Food: Salmon x 15 | Loot: Rune essence, Tin ore, Copper ore | Equipment: Shortbow, Bronze arrow | Goal: Process 100 items;4. Skill: Strength | Mobs: Monk (lvl 5) | Location: Edgeville Monastery | Food: Salmon x 28 | Loot: None | Equipment: Mithril scimitar, Iron full helm, Iron platebody, Iron platelegs, Iron kiteshield | Goal: Reach level 40;5. Skill: Magic | Spell: Fire Strike | Mobs: Lesser demon (lvl 82) | Location: Karamja Dungeon - South | Food: Salmon x 10 | Loot: Rune med helm | Equipment: Staff of fire, Amulet of magic | Goal: Process 100 items # Settings:true;50;30;120;70;2"
    • You can edit the text manually but it has to be perfect, otherwise it won't work.


    Click here to leave a review for the script


    Edited by Gains
    • Gains changed the title to Gains AIO F2P Fighter [All combat styles] - [Suicide training] - [Loot banking] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]
    Gains AIO F2P Fighter has been approved and is now live on the SDN!

    Gains AIO F2P Fighter has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.1 and is available in the client!

    • No longer idles during combat
    • Skips the current task if current level is already the same or above the target level
    • When training multiple combat skills at once, will stop when all of the skills have reached the target level

    Time since request was made: 1 hour, 27 minutes, 28 seconds


    Trying to run this script at Flesh Crawlers and i keep getting this error, Also could you add the level 27 minotaurs as well from level 1 of stronghold.


    6 hours ago, goatstocks said:

    Trying to run this script at Flesh Crawlers and i keep getting this error, Also could you add the level 27 minotaurs as well from level 1 of stronghold.


    Flesh Crawlers seem to be working fine for me. Can you send an image of the form you filled? I'll add Minotaurs to the next update.

    6 hours ago, hang255 said:

    Script looks really nice. i simply cannot get it to start tho. after setting gui script loads up then shuts off.


    any chance of a renewed hour so i can resolve and test before buying?


    Let me know when you're online so I can give you another trial. It should only skip the current task / instantly shut off if your current level is higher than the target level.

    Gains AIO F2P Fighter has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.1 and is available in the client!

    • Small improvements

    Time since request was made: 2 days, 4 hours, 27 minutes, 10 seconds


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