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  • Pandemic's Mule | For use with Pandemic's Automator and Pandemic's Script Creator


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    Pandemic's Mule

    An easy to use mule script that works with Pandemic's Automator and Pandemic's Script Creator.

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    Easy to use
    Securely supports external connections with encrypted requests
    Start it at any bank (or we'll walk to the nearest one when started)
    Supports both normal muling and reverse muling of GP


    QuickStart Support

    You can start the mule using QuickStart by providing the port to listen on as the only script arg:


    java -jar C:\Users\YOURNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar -script "Pandemic's Mule" 12987

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    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.1 and is available in the client!

    • Fixed issue with spam walking on start

    Time since request was made: 24 minutes, 33 seconds

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    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.3 and is available in the client!
    Time since request was made: 13 seconds

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    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.4 and is available in the client!

    • Separated Muled amounts in the paint
    • Logout immediately if no more mules are in queue

    Time since request was made: 14 seconds

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    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.5 and is available in the client!

    • Added Trades count to paint
    • Improved muling when many accounts are in queue / arrive at the same time

    Time since request was made: 15 seconds

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    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.5 and is available in the client!

    • Added extra checks for coins during startup and while reverse muling

    Time since request was made: 13 seconds

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    • 4 weeks later...
    Pandemic's Mule has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v0.6 and is available in the client!

    • Fixed issue with stock not updating immediately after a (reverse) mule

    Time since request was made: 19 seconds

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