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  • Gains AIO Mining [Nearly all rocks] - [Amethyst] - [Daeyalt shard] - [Special attack] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]


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    Nearly all rocks - Amethyst - Daeyalt shard - Dense essence block - Volcanic ash - Barronite - Worldhopping




    • Trains Mining with a progressive task system.
    • When the desired level has been reached or X amount of items have been processed, the bot will start the next task.
    • You can save the task list and settings to a text file and load them quickly.
    • Supports any equipment, for example, jewelry for teleporting.
    • Supports the buying and selling of items in the Grand Exchange.
    • Supports QuickStart.
    • Supports pickaxe upgrading (withdraws and wields the best usable pickaxe from the bank).
    • Supports the Rock Knocker special attack.
    • Supports worldhopping when no rocks are available.
    • Supports Dense essence block mining and infusing them at the Dark altar.



    • If mining Rune essence, have Rune Mysteries quest completed.
    • If mining rocks at Ruins of Camdozaal, have Below Ice Mountain quest completed.
    • If mining rocks at Fossil Island, have Bone Voyage quest completed.
    • If mining Daeyalt shards, have Sins of the Father quest completed.
    • If mining rocks at the Mining Guild, have at least 60 Mining.



    • Have a pickaxe in the bank.
    • If mining Dense essence blocks, have Chisel in the bank.
    • If mining Daeyalt shards, have a full set of Vyre noble clothing equipped.


    Items supported:






    Items not supported yet:









    • Fill out the form and save the task list and settings to a text file.
    • Open the text file and copy everything.
    • Add -params "" at the end of your QuickStart file.
    • Paste the settings inside the quotation marks.
    • Example: -params "Tasks:1. Skill: Mining | Rocks: Copper, Tin | Location: Varrock East | Mode: Bank | Pickaxe: Best available | Use special attack: No | Worldhop: No | Equipment: None | Goal: Reach level 15;2. Skill: Mining | Rocks: Iron | Location: Al Kharid | Mode: Drop | Pickaxe: Best available | Use special attack: No | Worldhop: No | Equipment: None | Goal: Reach level 60;3. Skill: Mining | Rocks: Coal, Mithril | Location: Mining Guild - P2P | Mode: Bank | Pickaxe: Dragon pickaxe | Use special attack: Yes | Worldhop: No | Equipment: None | Goal: Process 10000 items;4. Skill: Mining | Rocks: Gems | Location: Shilo Village | Mode: Bank | Pickaxe: Dragon pickaxe | Use special attack: Yes | Worldhop: No | Equipment: None | Goal: Process 500 items;5. Skill: Mining | Rocks: Runite | Location: Mor Ul Rek South | Mode: Bank | Pickaxe: Dragon pickaxe | Use special attack: Yes | Worldhop: Yes | Equipment: None | Goal: Process 100 items # Settings:true;50;30;120;70;2"
    • You can edit the text manually but it has to be perfect, otherwise it won't work.


    Click here to leave a review for the script


    Edited by Gains
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    • Gains changed the title to Gains AIO Mining [Nearly all rocks] - [Amethyst] - [Daeyalt shard] - [Special attack] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]
    59 minutes ago, kwmsaj said:

    Any way to add a gem bag for when my ironman is mining gems in Shilo village?

    I'll add that at some point + coal bag.

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    Gains AIO Mining has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.0 and is available in the client!

    • Fixed Runite ore mining at Mining Guild

    Time since request was made: 10 hours, 26 minutes, 30 seconds

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    • 2 weeks later...
    Gains AIO Mining has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.0 and is available in the client!

    • Small improvements

    Time since request was made: 2 days, 4 hours, 29 minutes, 38 seconds

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    • 1 month later...

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