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  • Gains Chaos Altar [~700k Prayer xp/h] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]

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    Posted (edited)



    All bones - Up to 700k Prayer xp/h - No requirements




    • Trains Prayer using the Chaos altar in the Wilderness.
    • When X amount of items have been processed or the desired level has been reached, the bot will start the next task.
    • You can save the task list and settings to a text file and load them quickly.
    • Supports any equipment, for example, jewelry for teleporting.
    • Supports the buying and selling of items in the Grand Exchange.
    • Supports QuickStart.
    • When there is an enemy with a weapon nearby, the bot will log out and hop to another world unless the level difference is too great or the weapon is Dinh's bulwark.
    • When out of bones, the bot will self-delete by trying to take the Wine of zamorak.



    • None.



    • Have bones in the bank.
    • Have Burning amulets in the bank.
    • Make sure to change the client's Layout setting to "No preference".
    • Make sure to enable this in-game setting:



    Items supported:

    Bones.pngWolf_bones.png?d2390Burnt_bones.png?56d17Monkey_bones.png?ed6d0Bat_bones.png?3be33Big bones.pngJogre_bones.png?be618Zogre bones.pngShaikahan_bones.png?199d1Babydragon bones.pngWyrm bones.pngWyvern bones.pngDragon bones.pngDrake bones.pngFayrg_bones.png?97fe8Lava dragon bones.pngRaurg_bones.png?219daHydra bones.pngDagannoth bones.pngOurg_bones.png?e3272Superior dragon bones.png











    • Fill out the form and save the task list and settings to a text file.
    • Open the text file and copy everything.
    • Add -params "" at the end of your QuickStart file.
    • Paste the settings inside the quotation marks.
    • Example: -params "Tasks:1. Skill: Chaos Altar | Bones: Wyrm bones | Equipment: Snakeskin body, Snakeskin chaps | Goal: Process 1000 items # Settings:true;50;30;120;70;2"
    • You can edit the text manually but it has to be perfect, otherwise it won't work.


    Click here to leave a review for the script


    Edited by Gains
    Gains Chaos Altar has been approved and is now live on the SDN!

    Posted (edited)

    I just bought this and I have some criticism. 

    1. Does not hop worlds once pk'd.

    2. Banks all armour, takes out burning amulet, closes bank, wields amulet, then opens bank again. (Just dont have it bank armour, and if it needs to take out new burning amulet, right click amulet while still in bank to wield it.

    Would like to see these things included in next update.

    Edited by WalterHWhite
    8 minutes ago, WalterHWhite said:

    I just bought this and I have some criticism. 

    1. Does not hop worlds once pk'd.

    2. Banks all armour, takes out burning amulet, closes bank, wields amulet, then opens bank again. (Just dont have it bank armour, and if it needs to take out new burning amulet, right click amulet while still in bank to wield it.

    Would like to see these things included in next update.

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll make these changes.

    Posted (edited)

    Also, Doesn't use all the charges on burning amulet. takes out a 5, uses it, then banks it as a 4 and takes out another 5. Multiple instinces where it's had a lot of time to log out but just doesn't and ends up getting attacked then dying. Once attacked, doesn't attempt to keep using bones. Just keeps trying to spam logout button.

    Edited by WalterHWhite
    Gains Chaos Altar has been updated and is now live on the SDN!

    It's currently at v1.1 and is available in the client!

    • Improved banking and using bones at the altar while getting owned

    Time since request was made: 5 hours, 55 minutes, 40 seconds

    14 minutes ago, jakubbialonci said:

    Bot doing 1 tik system ?


    It's pretty fast. Get a 1-hour trial to test it.


    Would be nice if this had a wine suicide method/locator orb+wine as an option.
    Bot just stands there trying to suicide if someone is killing the chaos fanatic in the same world.

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