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  • Finally Back!


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    The last thing I left you guys with was this thread


    Which detailed a long series of unfortunate events, beginning with Hurricane Irma :) 

    Things actually got much worse after posting that thread. I had every intent on coming back, but the opportunity never really presented itself. Ended up splitting up with the girl I was about to be engaged to, becoming an alcoholic and recovering from it, quitting my day job to do development work via contracting, and otherwise completely engulfing myself with a few startups to get out of my own head. That's finally all paying off though, and I've finally accomplished a few things:

    • In a much better / happier / healthier relationship :D 
    • Billing 2.5x hourly what I was paid working that day job
    • Created technology that is now attached to almost every mural in my city (there are hundreds) and tons of others around the world (which has also snowballed into major news segments, interviews, etc)
    • Moved into a better apartment with decent security (no more people stealing my motorcycles, breaking into my car, or breaking into my home)
    • Got back into writing / producing music and set up a recording studio in my apartment

    Feels good to finally say things have gotten better. The only real problem now is that I've created too much work for myself and don't ever take any "me" time. Hence, my return. Have always loved scaping, botting, rsps, gold farming, etc and my girl has been nudging me to get back into it for the sake of sanity, so here we are :) Plan is to jump back into scripting and gold farming with the intent to build a really cool network of bots, mules, automated gold selling with Nano, etc. Should be fun!

    As far as scripting goes, I may re-take the test to get S+ rank back and get my scripts back on SDN, but probably going to give it a few weeks. Need to gauge if supporting paid scripts is a responsibility I can afford to have. 

    Anyways, this post ended up being way longer than expected. Just happy to see a lot of the same people are still around and hope to be more in the loop with everyone soon enough! 

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