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  • DreamBot 2.9.9 version bug with banking


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    Hi im getting on private/sdn scripts sometime it opens bank and trying to open again when its open and gets stuck that way (manualy close bank and it starts working again)

    Debug says:

    "open bank


    open bank"

    NullPointerExeption dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.bank.bank.depositallitems


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    Sometimes it works fine, sometimes it gets stuck idk (i did everything cleared cache everything not new on botting, but after update it started bugging)


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    The null pointer, I need that full stack trace not just "null pointer on deposit"
    since the stack trace tells me where it actually is erroring out.

    How often are you opening bank?

    Are you hopping a lot as well?

    I need more detail on this, as I'm not getting this error. Any suggestions on reproducing it are welcome.

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    its rare but it happens and bot gets stuck while i dont do it manually "closing bank"

    java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.bank.Bank.depositAllitems(Bank.java:450)

    i sent all code to pm you

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    I have the same problem. After a few minutes all my bots are stuck in the bank trying to deposit the items. The bot opens the bank and then the cursor remains vaguely looking for something, and does not finish depositing, it is as if it wanted to click on something outside the bank but as it is in the bank it remains stuck. idk ..

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    15 minutes ago, BrownK1d said:

    I have the same problem. After a few minutes all my bots are stuck in the bank trying to deposit the items. The bot opens the bank and then the cursor remains vaguely looking for something, and does not finish depositing, it is as if it wanted to click on something outside the bank but as it is in the bank it remains stuck. idk ..

    yea same thing hes trying to press on bank NPC while there is opened window of bank

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    If you have this problem or any widget related problem (some of my users for one of my scripts had the problem and this solved it), go delete the following file: C:\Users\USERNAME\DreamBot\BotData\client.jar

    Then run the launcher (DBLauncher.jar) to get the client back and all problems should be fixed.

    Edit: Sometimes it breaks again and only works the first time the client is downloaded. If this happens to you, skip using the launcher and run just the client.

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