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  • Client Release 2.9.9

    Nuclear Nezz

    Recommended Posts

    Hello everyone!

    Pandemic is in the process of releasing a new client version.

    This version is now released and live!

    Today's update is going to be forced on all of you. You'll be unable to log in to the client until you're on the latest version, which unfortunately is going to disrupt any current farms that are going on as well.

    I've had too many users message me about errors that have been resolved over 3 versions ago, so I decided it's about time to force everyone to get up to the latest version. Besides, there's some pretty great fixes/additions in this latest version.


    Bug Fixes:

    • Bank Items, if it's a placeholder will now return 0 for its amount.
    • Widgets.getWidget(Filter) was previously for some reason checking for text as well as the filter, I've fixed it to just check the filter.
    • There was a thread being spawned checking for the gamepack size, and wasn't properly being terminated, this has been resolved.
    • Added more debug information for when you get the settings load error that removes all of your accounts. It's going to print out the first 4 characters that it see's, I'm going to need you guys to send me those messages so I can take a look and try to figure out what's going on with the file.



    • Widget overhaul, the way we create and cache widgets has been largely modified. Hopefully with this change you should see a decrease in widget CPU usage, as well as better memory efficiency. This is the largest change in this update, and as always I have tested it but cannot test every aspect of widgets. If you find any issues with widgets, please let me know with as much detail as you can.


    It's very likely that we'll start implementing these forced updates in every 10 updates or so, just so that we can be sure you guys have the bug fixes that we release, and that nobody is wasting time trying to find a bug that was caused by an issue in the client which was subsequently resolved.

    Thanks you as always,
    The Dream Team

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