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  • Client Release

    Nuclear Nezz

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    Hello everyone!

    Today I actually have a pretty large release for you guys. There's a lot that has changed or been added. I did test it thoroughly, but there's always a chance I missed something somewhere, so if you find any bugs with any of the new additions please let me know!


    API Updates

    • Changed the welcome screen solver for members vs non members accounts, getMembershipLeft() will now return 0 instead of -1 if you don't have any membership, if it shows -1 it means there was either an error parsing it, or it has not yet had a chance to parse your membership from the welcome screen.
    • Fixed the error in keyboards when you set the WPM too high, it should no longer throw exceptions.
    • Added a few null/error checks in a couple methods (overall not relevant to you guys, just more informative when something goes wrong in some methods)
    • Added Player.toString()
    • Fixed an issue with Bank.openClosest() not going to the correct Z before attempting to open, you should now successfully walk upstairs in Lumbridge instead of it getting stuck on the bottom floor, as well as the Gnome Stronghold bank.
    • Added the getMenu method to the method context itself, instead of having to do getClient().getMenu(), the client method will remain and not be deprecated, as its use is way too large for me to easily move everything over, as well as it being such a commonly used method in scripts, it would break way too much.


    Client Updates

    • Fixed the error about jars not being able to be deleted after you load local scripts (finally)
    • When you update your local jar, the local scripts should also update automatically. This does lead to the possibility of hotloading scripts, but it's not 100% yet, still some stuff I have to work out and may not actually happen but it's an idea. It would essentially have to restart your script for you, as it has to clean and reload any already loaded classes. Since this poses an issue in 99% of scripts, I have not added it in.
    • You no longer have to click the refresh button on your local scripts (that's what I mean by update automatically, when you reopen the script panel they'll already be good and updated)
    • The local loader previously was apparently having some issues with concurrency, which have been resolved.
    • Lowered the number of times the loader actually loads your scripts right off the bat. It was loading them like six times before even doing anything with them, this should speed up boot times for people who have a large amount of local scripts.
    • Added a timeout as well as a loop check to the random solver, you should no longer be permanently stuck in a random event that breaks, and a solver won't reactivate for 10 minutes, if this causes any issues please let me know. It will time out after 30 seconds and 20 loops.
    • When the client boots with a worlds arg (I'm realizing now this may only apply to quickstart, if this is a problem elsewhere let me know) and it finds itself not actually in the correct world, it will force hop itself over to the world it was intended for. You should no longer boot into twisted league worlds when Jagex throws you off your actual world. ***I have tested this as much as I am able, but it's not something easily replicated. If this is not fixed, please let me know.
    • The Player Settings tab in the game debug, when you click the Refresh button will now clear the list of settings that had been printed as changed.

    • Added a Players tab to the game debug window, so you can list nearby players as well as see some information on them like NPC's, Objects, and Items have.

    • Fixed the random solver hijacking your paint color, as well as the widget debug pane.


    UI Updates

    • Added the scripts button to the top of the DreamBot menu bar, like the File/Tools/etc buttons, so you no longer have to go through a drop down menu to select the scripts button, this should also make it more clear to new users on how to open the script panel.
    • When you click refresh on the script panel, it no longer scrolls back to the top.
    • Changed up the widget debug panels in the game debugger, the text is ordered differently, as well as the font size increased, and the panel window itself with that information has been increased in size.
    • The action search for widgets is now not case sensitive, and checks for containing actions instead of actual actions. The text search was already this way.
    • Fixed URL's in the resource panel.
    • The sliding pane should no longer be created when using slim mode, you couldn't access it anyway.




    I believe that is all of the changes that have been made. My apologies for it being such a large release, I have been preoccupied often these last two weeks and did not have the time to break these changes into separate releases.
    As always, if anyone has suggestions or bug fixes please let me know. If you know of bugs that I have been told about already but still exist, feel free to remind me of them. There may be a reason they're not fixed, or they may have gotten lost in my lists.


    Thank you,
    The Dream Team


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    16 minutes ago, RetroBot said:

    Nice update! Would you be able to prevent the client from launching into a twisted league world in the next update?

    That is in this update, if you read it. When launched with a world argument with quickstart, if it finds itself in a different world than you specified, it'll force the world back to what you specified.

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    13 minutes ago, Nuclear Nezz said:

    That is in this update, if you read it. When launched with a world argument with quickstart, if it finds itself in a different world than you specified, it'll force the world back to what you specified.

    I dont use the world argument on my quickstart so I could make it launch a random world. It's never launched me into a dmm/pvp/tourny world so I was wondering if you excluded dmm/pvp/tourny and if you could do the same for the twisted league worlds

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    30 minutes ago, RetroBot said:

    I dont use the world argument on my quickstart so I could make it launch a random world. It's never launched me into a dmm/pvp/tourny world so I was wondering if you excluded dmm/pvp/tourny and if you could do the same for the twisted league worlds

    Gotcha, sorry I misunderstood. I do know that they added in forcing you to go into a different world, it was their solution to their ddos issue.
    I'll take a look to see if it's excluding tl worlds, as well as adding in it force swapping even without the world arg.


    Edit: Adding an isNormal method to World (the getNormalWorlds() was in the Worlds class already, but shifted it over to the actual world class.)

    Also having it check for a normal world now in the random world selection for boot, as well.

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