Polish Civil 90 Posted February 27, 2015 Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Im doing this generally for fun.Things what it will have:1.High level of abstraction aka customization ex: you can define own macros, code line parsers (for custom nasty shit (for example if you want to implement while's,for's etc) only for people who thinks macro things are cool [liek me] and know how to java).2.Pre defined basic library of macros. (generally 1. but implemented by me, and for noobs who will use this shit to write scripts instead learning java) 3.KISS source code as possible (no ast or any other nasty shit, simple macros as methods in code) The design: Will explain later, need buy moar weed and finish up design. HOW IT WILL WORK (MY STRATEGY TO GET MONEY OF IT): So yeh, idk yet but for sure it will be released for the competition thingy so i can get my 100$ for weed, if i win imma make this script 100% free and open sourced for nubs if i wont take 100$ imma make it lets say 2$ closed source and once i make 100$ with it it will be free but still closed source. I will update this later once i get something to show you, take this as announcement. inb4 @ swizz Ye i know im fag and stole idea from dashboard, but he havent patented it so psh.
Dogerina 330 Posted February 27, 2015 Your idea is fraudulent of @Dashboard's work. I'm expecting that you give him $. Add his Skype If you do not comply with his demands and attempt to market his idea to this website, he will release his new project [insert advertising link here] on dreambot and out-compete you. Thanks, Dashboard
Polish Civil 90 Author Posted February 27, 2015 Your idea is fraudulent of @Dashboard's work. I'm expecting that you give him $. Add his Skype If you do not comply with his demands and attempt to market his idea to this website, he will release his new project [insert advertising link here] on dreambot and out-compete you. Thanks, Dashboard I will put my all effort to this project to make him impossible to compete with my project.
GoldenGates 72 Posted February 27, 2015 Your idea is fraudulent of @Dashboard's work. I'm expecting that you give him $. Add his Skype If you do not comply with his demands and attempt to market his idea to this website, he will release his new project [insert advertising link here] on dreambot and out-compete you. Thanks, Dashboard And from mine. kappa
Explicit 213 Posted February 27, 2015 inb4 @ swizz Ye i know im fag and stole idea from dashboard, but he havent patented it so psh. umm what i support dis u iz jarba wizard 1 hunna keep it real nigletz.
DefCon 121 Posted February 27, 2015 Yes dude this is awesome. I'm all for an AIO script that u can JAVA the fuck out while letting the framework handle the mundane shit. This way us devs can focus on the important parts (aka the antibanz) I'd like to see u go all out on this.
qbots 240 Posted February 27, 2015 Why must people always start projects like this and act as if they are difficult? :/ (No offense to you Polish)
Polish Civil 90 Author Posted February 27, 2015 Why must people always start projects like this and act as if they are difficult? :/ (No offense to you Polish) Well if you know ast, code execution (how it works) then they are not. Well 50% of work is just implementing the macros, but if it really helps people.
DefCon 121 Posted March 4, 2015 Remove dis, since dash resigned im resigning too. lame, whatcu gunn do for weed moneys now?
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