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  • begginglife

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    About begginglife

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    1. It will like turn on smite, and turn off the quick prayers, and then try to use protection prayers. If it just keeps protect item on, that would be good. Then the issue wouldn't be such a problem. - I keep smite on the quick prayer, so not sure if there is an issue with that.
    2. The client is currently being updated for the latest game update! Due to the size of the changes the downtime may be extended! Since reading is hard, here are some words from the top of the forum and on the client.
    3. Sometimes in the middle of the fight before a death the bot turns off the quick prayers. and then dies without them on.
    4. Is there a way to turn off interacting with certain things, such as the rouge chest ? Or just any interaction with game objects. Do you think you'd be able to add other spells that it could target to the leader ?
    5. Looking for a PVP script, We can talk details
    6. I cant boost to 94 mage to make barrage work. Is there a way i can do that? With the saturated heart i am able to cast it. But it turns off since it cant put barrage on before i leave back. I tried to sip a magic potion, but once i get to the island, the level goes back to the regular level. And then it teles back to bank.
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