I like that we can add breaks to our clients, but I think the client-based breaking system could use an update. My idea is to create breaking groups. For example, a Chin Hunter breaking group would consist of two break times. A time of the day break (maybe to simulate sleep), and a normal simple break. Both of these break types would under the Chin Hunter category or profile. Also, the ability to tie the break category to a specific OSRS account would be beneficial. This would keep the breaks from effecting accounts that you are running on a script that already has built in breaks. Instead of the breaks being enabled automatically on every account, the breaks would be enabled on the account of your choice.
Chin Hunter Break Category
-Account #$)@#$
-Account #$@#$
-Account (**%@
-Account $@#$
-Account %@$#%(
This is an example of how it would work. The breaks would be enabled per profile. So when you start that account, the breaks will automatically be tied to the account and not every account that you don't want the break to happen on.
I believe this would be a great implementation to add a more sophisticated breaking system.