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  • Fizzle

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    1. Very nice script, used solo method on main for about 6hrs a day, after about 1 week i green logged tempoross. Would recommend.
    2. I can't remember fully but i would lean towards fishing, i also noticed that during storm being maxed it would have to have some cooked fish no matter what, so during the 93+ it would cook until it got like 7 or so cooked fish despite tempoross being at 4%.
    3. just finished a trial run on v0.15 works very good most of the time, some slight adjustments needed. 2hr of solo, drag harpoon, 70+ agil with some graceful pros: - good action speed, didn't get hit by wave once, i think it stood in a fire only once - customizable - decent rates per hour - recovers after accident - ran 2 hours no issues cons: - sometimes fails the minigame on solo (focuses on fishing + cooking instead of killing boss) suggestion: - at 90+ storm intensity, if enough fish (cooked or not) in inv to finish boss then dump them into cannon. i watched it at 95+ intensity still click on fishing spots then it would run to cannon at like 97 which was too late can't upload images for some reason so will post results as text: fish lvl 68 exp/hr = 33.1k permits/hr = 27 (had high of 40+ near start) rounds = 14
    4. Script will autocast Make Plank (slower than active casting) then withdraw more logs, does not bank Pre-reqs: - 86 Magic - Dream Mentor done Setup: - stand near bank - have enough coins, nature runes, astral runes in inv - infinite earth rune source: e.g. Earth staff - have mahogany logs in bank Script will keep running until out of logs/runes/coins Very minor antiban of small chance to wait from 20 seconds to 200 seconds before banking All info will be in log console Obviously change wait times as you see fit improvement: - Auto replenish from G.E. as needed XP/money will be somewhere less than this: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Casting_plank_make Short term results: Script: import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.Inventory; import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.bank.Bank; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.Players; import org.dreambot.api.methods.magic.Lunar; import org.dreambot.api.methods.magic.Magic; import org.dreambot.api.methods.settings.PlayerSettings; import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skill; import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skills; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.utilities.Logger; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.items.Item; @ScriptManifest(name = "Fizzle Plank Make", description = "Make planks with Lunar spellbook", author = "Fizzle", version = 0.4, category = Category.MAGIC) public class PlankMakeScript extends AbstractScript { private static final String MAHOGANY_LOGS = "Mahogany logs"; private static final String MAHOGANY_PLANK = "Mahogany plank"; private static final int CHANCE_TO_WAIT = 5; // % chance private int startingMagicXp; private final long scriptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public void onStart() { Logger.log("Starting Fizzle Plank Make Script"); startingMagicXp = Skills.getExperience(Skill.MAGIC); } @Override public int onLoop() { stopCheck(); logXpGained(); if (Players.getLocal().isAnimating()) { //wait until auto casting is over return Calculations.random(550, 6000); } if (Inventory.contains(MAHOGANY_LOGS)) { info("Casting plank make"); Item randomLog = Inventory.getRandom(MAHOGANY_LOGS); Magic.castSpellOn(Lunar.PLANK_MAKE, randomLog); sleep(Calculations.random(300, 1000)); Mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); return Calculations.random(550, 1233); } if (Inventory.contains(MAHOGANY_PLANK)) { //chance to wait after finishing logs (mini antiban) if (Calculations.chance(CHANCE_TO_WAIT)) { int waitTime = Calculations.random(20_000, 200_000); info("Anti-ban waiting: " + waitTime/1000 + " seconds"); return waitTime; } info("Banking planks"); //start banking process if (!Bank.open()){ //this will also open nearest bank if not currently open return Calculations.random(550, 1233); } Bank.depositAll(MAHOGANY_PLANK); return Calculations.random(330, 600); } //no logs or planks in inv so withdraw if (Bank.open()) { info("Withdrawing more logs"); if (!Bank.contains(MAHOGANY_LOGS)) { error("Out of logs in bank"); stop(); } Bank.withdrawAll(MAHOGANY_LOGS); sleep(Calculations.random(330, 700)); Bank.close(); return Calculations.random(550, 1233); } return Calculations.random(550, 1233); } private void logXpGained() { long currentMagicXP = Skills.getExperience(Skill.MAGIC); log("total xp gained: " + (currentMagicXP - startingMagicXp)); log("total xp per hour: " + String.format("%.2f", (double)(currentMagicXP - startingMagicXp) / (System.currentTimeMillis() - scriptStartTime) * 3600000 / 1000) + "k"); } private void stopCheck() { if(Inventory.count("Nature rune") == 0) { error("Out of Nature runes"); stop(); } if (Inventory.count("Astral rune") <= 1) { error("Out of Astral runes"); stop(); } if (Inventory.count("Coins") <= 2000) { error("Low on coins"); stop(); } //0 is Normal, 1 is Ancient, 2 is Lunar, 3 is Arceus if (PlayerSettings.getBitValue(4070) != 2) { error("Not on Lunar spellbook"); stop(); } if(!Magic.canCast(Lunar.PLANK_MAKE)) { error("cannot cast Plank Make"); stop(); } } }
    5. great simple script, i use confidently it on my main with no issues. I do have one suggestion and 1 minor bug bug: when i cook sharks the food cooked counter goes up as normal, when i cook karambwans it only counts the burnt food. suggestion: wait a random short amount of time after the inv has finished cooking
    6. Made a simple hunter bot that requires manual set up and babysitting for banking. Pre reqs: - 60 hunter - mm2 - banana baskets set up: - be at maniacal monkey hunter spot - mount gorilla - stand next to any boulder - start bot with at least 1 spot free (4 recommended) + banana baskets example inventory: usage: - start bot, it will self stop when out of bananas - manually resupply and come back here - xp rates dependent on hunter level and how much anti ban you want example logs: features: - some minor anti ban: - chance for short afk and long afk - chance to move mouse off screen after every trap set up - chance to accidentally try to empty too many baskets - chance to delay setting up and checking trap - chance to accidentally dismantle trap All of these features can be easily turned on or off by changing values or commenting out code. My first scripts so please feel free to critique. Can be made fully automatic by handling the resupply stage. NOTE: there is no UI so please keep logs open for info like xp per hour and actions taken. code: import org.dreambot.api.input.Mouse; import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations; import org.dreambot.api.methods.container.impl.Inventory; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.GameObjects; import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.Players; import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skill; import org.dreambot.api.methods.skills.Skills; import org.dreambot.api.script.AbstractScript; import org.dreambot.api.script.Category; import org.dreambot.api.script.ScriptManifest; import org.dreambot.api.utilities.Logger; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.interactive.GameObject; import org.dreambot.api.wrappers.items.Item; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @ScriptManifest( name = "Maniacal Monkeys", description = "Hunter Maniacal Monkeys", author = "", version = 0.2, category = Category.HUNTING ) public class FizzleManiacalMonkeys extends AbstractScript { private static final int LONG_ANTIBAN_TIME_UPPER = Math.toIntExact(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(4) + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(26)); private static final int LONG_ANTIBAN_TIME_LOWER = Math.toIntExact(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(2) + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(11)); private static final int SHORT_ANTIBAN_TIME_UPPER = Math.toIntExact(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(46)); private static final int SHORT_ANTIBAN_TIME_LOWER = Math.toIntExact(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(11)); private static final int NORMAL_ACTION_WAIT_TIME_UPPER = 1160; private static final int NORMAL_ACTION_WAIT_TIME_LOWER = 460; private static final double CHANCE_OF_LONG_ANTIBAN = 0.15; private final long scriptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long startingHunterXP; private long timeSinceLastAntiBan = System.currentTimeMillis(); private final long timePerAntiBan = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(8) + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(39); @Override public void onStart() { Logger.log("Starting Hunter Maniacal Monkeys Script"); startingHunterXP = Skills.getExperience(Skill.HUNTER); } @Override public int onLoop() { logHunterXP(); // antiban if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeSinceLastAntiBan >= timePerAntiBan) { timeSinceLastAntiBan = System.currentTimeMillis(); return antiban(); } if (Players.getLocal().isAnimating()) { // do nothing until not animating return normalActionTime(); } GameObject boulder = GameObjects.closest("Large boulder", "Monkey trap"); if (boulder == null) { log("No boulder found, stopping script"); stop(); return 2000; } if (boulder.hasAction("Set-trap")) { unloadBananasIfPossible(); // chance to delay setting trap if (Math.random() < 0.6) { log("Antiban: Delayed setting trap"); sleep(Calculations.random(511, 4360)); } log("Set trap"); boulder.interact("Set-trap"); sleep(normalActionTime()); // chance to move mouse off-screen if (Math.random() < 0.5) { log("Antiban: Moved mouse off screen"); Mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } return normalActionTime(); } if (boulder.hasAction("Check")) { if (Inventory.emptySlotCount() == 0) { log("Inventory is not empty when trying to collect, stopping"); stop(); } log("Check trap"); if (Math.random() < 0.6) { log("Antiban: Delayed checking trap"); sleep(Calculations.random(511, 4360)); } boulder.interact("Check"); return normalActionTime(); } log("waiting for trap to trigger"); // small chance to accidentally dismantle trap if (Math.random() < 0.01) { if (boulder.hasAction("Dismantle")) { log("Antiban: Accidentally dismantled trap"); boulder.interact("Dismantle"); } } return normalActionTime() + 3000; // +3000 to reduce spamming } private void unloadBananasIfPossible() { if (Inventory.contains("Banana")) return; //drop damaged tails and empty baskets Inventory.dropAll("Damaged monkey tail", "Basket"); //check if available banana baskets, if not then stop if (!hasBananaBasketsInInventory()) { log("No more banana baskets, stopping script"); stop(); sleep(2000); } //loop open baskets until full or no more banana baskets while (Inventory.emptySlotCount() != 0 && hasBananaBasketsInInventory()) { getBananaBasketInInventory().interact("Empty"); sleep(normalActionTime() + 211); } // chance to intentionally accidentally try open 1 more if it exists if (Math.random() < 0.1 && hasBananaBasketsInInventory()) { log("Antiban: Accidentally tried to open 1 more basket"); getBananaBasketInInventory().interact("Empty"); } } private int normalActionTime() { return Calculations.random(NORMAL_ACTION_WAIT_TIME_LOWER, NORMAL_ACTION_WAIT_TIME_UPPER); } private boolean hasBananaBasketsInInventory() { return Inventory.get((item) -> item != null && item.getName().contains("Bananas")) != null; } private Item getBananaBasketInInventory() { return Inventory.get((item) -> item != null && item.getName().contains("Bananas")); } private void logHunterXP() { long currentHunterXP = Skills.getExperience(Skill.HUNTER); long hunterXPGained = currentHunterXP - startingHunterXP; double hunterXPPerHour = ((double) hunterXPGained / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - scriptStartTime) / 3600000.0D))/1000; log("Hunter XP Gained: " + hunterXPGained + " (" + String.format("%.2f", hunterXPPerHour) + "K XP/H)"); } private int antiban() { double randomValueAntiBan = Math.random(); Logger.debug("random value antiban: " + randomValueAntiBan); int randomTime; if (randomValueAntiBan <= CHANCE_OF_LONG_ANTIBAN) { randomTime = Calculations.random(LONG_ANTIBAN_TIME_LOWER, LONG_ANTIBAN_TIME_UPPER); } else {// short antiban randomTime = Calculations.random(SHORT_ANTIBAN_TIME_LOWER, SHORT_ANTIBAN_TIME_UPPER); } Logger.log("Antiban: afk for " + randomTime/1000 + " seconds"); Mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); return randomTime; } }
    7. Hey, great giants foundry bot! I wanted to give some feedback after using the trial for a few hours. It work well 90% of the time but struggles in 2 areas: 1) when going to the waterfall it goes to the area before you go up the stairs then gets stuck for a bit moving 1 tile left and right until after about 10-20 the camera finally moves and it goes to the waterfall, maybe it can click on the waterfall spot on the minimap instead of positioning itself at the stairs? 2) this one rarely happens and i'm not sure why but the sword gets completely destroyed sometimes. it could possibly happen because an anti ban task happened at the same time (maybe it's a feature?) Thanks
    8. Just bought construction bot and it's failing to build oak larders because "not enough planks/coins". I have both cash stack and money pouch and enough planks, any advice? logs don't say anything useful. I also have seen similar issues to the post above along with it hovering over the "Do not render doors" option as well. Please let me know if screenshot or anything else is needed to debug
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