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  • Rikki137

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    About Rikki137

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    1. Had a issue yesterday that the bot keeps dying to the black circles in a quadrant dodge mech it would be a 100% death rate, restarted script 3 times, reloaded bot twice and happened every time. Maybe a issue with detecting and dodging?
    2. Requesting https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/A_Kingdom_Divided + all prequests as getting thralls on accounts is very good and no other script supports this yet.
    3. When using home teleport after it completes the teleport, it swaps to the quest tab instead of inventory (this seems to happen with more instances that it idles on the quest tab instead of inventory?) and tries to use a ring of wealth that is on the spot in your inventory but does not swap to inventory remains stuck there for hours and eventually quits. This same bug applies to farming, when the inventory is full its stuck on the quest icon isntead of inventory so it cant go note the farming items you get form the patches resulting into afk and stopping of script. besides that the script equipping graceful seems bugged it takes out out then puts it back in bank does not try to equip it and runs without it equipped. As well even with ge enabled etc it does not seem to recognize that it can buy items like burning amulets etc. Same thing happened to ice gloves for smithing i have them the bot equipped them then gives a error that it needs ice gloves so it skips the task.
    4. Have had a few times that the script goes to bank with duel ring then grabs and uses varrock tab and instantly goes back to use duel ring to ferocs to grab a new varrock tab. This can occur like a few times in a row.
    5. I have all requirements and quests finished for the script to do smithing on blast furnace but it does not choose the task at all and when I put it as the only possible task it just thinks its finished and logs out + stops script. All settings enabled and max level is set to 99.
    6. I'm not 100% sure but it seems that the script during runecrafting only makes low level runes even when high level, so maybe add a double check it makes best runes possible for more exp/h and maybe add pouch support as well even broken pouches are better then none.
    7. There are 2 bugs, when the west gate is broken the bot keeps trying to open it and just stand in front of the game and if you manually click it to go in it goes back to trying to open the broken gate. As well when player is stuck behind the big mobs (idk the name) it keeps spamclicking the portal when its in portal mode because it tries to go to the portal but is just stuck. As well randomise what mob is attacked because i see other people using this script and every person runs to the same mob at the same time etc. Makes it SUPER obvious that they are all bots.
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