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  • Sanski Most

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    Everything posted by Sanski Most

    1. For some reason bot will not allow me to change mule settings to either OFF or change mule time end to 0/OFF and will go to g.e and sell sharks for underprice even though I have all settings in script set to not do that or sell or even use mule to sell.... Please help or can i get a refund.
    2. Been using this script for about 2-3 months now. Have gotten 99 farming, and probably about 20k minigame points spent on herb boxes and farmers outfit. Made about 35m from herbs, script runs flawlessly with Gricoller's Can, ~85k farming exp an hour with 74+ Logavano seeds. Just wanted to say thank you to @Hashtag<3. And yes I definitely recommend the script to anyone interested in buying it.
    3. Probably got around ~25,000,000 NMZ points in one 75 hour session running this script with breaks, no bans total level for account over 1800. Big kudos to Zawy, legit base 90 melee off this & advanced slayer +rep
    4. I've used this just ranging NMZ for nearly 13 hours at a point never got banned, meleed 16 hours with d scim never got banned, you guys just dont take ENOUGH breaks, i haven't gotten banned in a while i'm just setting up enough REALISTIC breaks like how a normal person would play the game ( yes that even means not playing on your account for a day or two a week 5 on 2 off).
    5. OP is a sore loser. Dreambot didn't get you banned, your incapability to use efficient breaks and covert mode is the reason you were banned. Pay for scripts that are constantly updated and up to date, not free scripts because they're just that for a reason.... OP uninstall and go play a simpler game like habbo hotel lmao
    6. I mean the VIP is amazing and covert mode is nice but my other main got banned even with following this entire guide(I've done everything you said before even reading OP^). You're gonna get banned if you dont take enough breaks, the break timing and actually setting a random schedule throughout the day to train or do whatever you want, would be MAJORLY beneficial and ANTI-BAN.
    7. 1-99 Construction in under 30 hours using teak planks. Script got me 60 construction in under 45 minutes. 98 atm 800k from 99 and that will mark 30 hours of script runtime in a row. God bless you Nuclear Nezz
    8. Avid script purchaser here, just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing script. Started level 1 around 11:00am EST today and 3:30pm currently with 2.5m construction exp level 82. Script buys every plank from g.e depending on level and adjusts to current construction level for max/best experience per hour. Should genuinly hit like 7m construction by tommorow morning so just wanted to say, if anyone reading this was wondering whether they should buy this script or not, BUY IT. btw no im not glazing or was payed lol just thankful, i buy a lot of scripts through these forums and this one deserves a round of applause.
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