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    YUNGTHUGFATGP last won the day on May 24 2023

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    1. darmello proxies https://discord.gg/ysbDG2ydc9
    2. this, and proxies are used to appeal bans generally "someone had access to my account"
    3. buy proxies from here: https://discord.gg/ysbDG2ydc9 that screen is normal, it is the fresh start option in dreambot don't really like to share "best practices" online freely, make new accounts and learn from your mistakes, DM me if you have some specific questions though.
    4. thank you for your walker
    5. still having issues with the gmuling script @Nuclear Nezz
    6. Having issues with the muling, setup ports and have the name identical, is there something special if they have spaces in the name? I can't seem to get reverse muling to work so f2p buys a bond
    7. It's been a year and the features that have been promised have not been delivered, the script struggles to complete the quests and can't complete them if they are in progress, which it gets stuck very often, script doesn't seem to be updated and when asking in the forums when features will be done there is no time frame, very disappointed with the script as I had given @Hashtagaccess to an account when he first released the script to help finish because of how many bugs it produces, and it still is doing the same thing a year later, would like to have a refund for store credit so I can purchase a better GOTR script.

      GE Walker

      cool thank you
    9. it's not the biggest issue but on linux the script really populates the home directory, all images go outside the dreambot folder, would that be able to be fixed?
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