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  • maxm

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    1. Same Situation here. Banned from Discord while I do own his product..
    2. You believe what ever you want to believe, just don't ask me for advice as I'm a 'paid actor'. Happy botting xoxo
    3. I can 100% promise you that I still have a team of bots running this script this second. They're at around 90~ Hours since the script was started.. So that'd be 3-4 days ago. I'm sorry buddy, but looks like you just got unlucky on the banning part.
    4. I'm sorry but the script is actually really good. I've hit multiple top 500 fishing with it. The "random stuff is anti-ban" is a haox. My best guess and a tip is : check your breaks and make sure to not fully commit an account to 1 purpose and expect it to last. a 99 fishing account with the rest at lvl 1 is asking to be seen as a bot, while if you mix up skills and quests; it'll last you much longer.
    5. I was one of the beta testers. i made it 95hrs (ended because OSRS updated) and got a pet.. what more could you wish for?
    6. Awesome! I've been trying to build something like this for months ( Don't have that much time, I'm lucky if I can code 1-2hours a week). Does it do something with the captchas?
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