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  • camelCase

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    Everything posted by camelCase

    1. getting logs is not a game message its a filtered message, not having an axe is a game message so if you arent getting that one you've set something up wrong
    2. raids, all god wars dungeon bosses, the barrows bot on the sdn isnt the most maintained from what i hear black chins, revenants, all wilderness bosses med clue scroll bots fountain of rune alcher (alchs rune arrows at fountain of rune moves around after every alch and logs out quick to avoid pkers some shit i saw in a sir pugger vid) watching sir pugger videos and making any script he covers that isnt on the sdn pyramid plunder (idk if thats protfitable now) hallowed sepulchre lava dragons kourend favour getter a f2p bot that buys items from ge and sells them to stores, idk if AIO buyers really cover what im talking about here, buying like mith steel and iron med helms and selling to stores can get you 1m / hour in f2p but they take some time invested to buy the items off the ge no bots do the new runecrafting minigame yet nightmare and phosanis nightmare gauntlet LMS giant mole hunting implings, 1 account scouting and uses sockets to alert hunter accounts when a rare impling is by saw that in a pugger video jad & inferno killing the guys in the fight cave for obsidian shit killing those monkeys that drop black masks i dont think any bots do blast mine rn and its like 500k/hour killing that fossil island boss, idk how much gp an hour that is. karambwan 1 ticker would make ~500k / hr corporeal beast hunter AIO to my knowledge all of those scripts would have no completion, most of those would have some fairly large challenges to be good but if it was easy they'd already be written
    3. imo you are a sick sick individual try something like this public boolean closeTab() { if () { // check if the tabs are not* open, idk what widget that would be return true; } WidgetChild tab = Tabs.getOpen().getWidgetChild(); if (tab != null && tab.isVisible() && tab.interact) { return true; // maybe check again if the tabs actually closed } return false; }
    4. what do you mean close tabs? is that a modern layout thing? if so the answer is to use classic layout
    5. yes yes Depends on what you want to build. also depends on what you mean by advanced java. but really no, your knowledge becomes "advanced" as a result of practice, finding problems and then solving them. theres no way to learn advanced concepts without building simple things. yup. https://dreambot.org/guides/scripter-guide/script-dev/setting-up-dev-env/ dreambot guides on how to get ur first script going https://dreambot.org/javadocs/allclasses-noframe.html this is a searchable list of all classes and methods you will need to write scripts. https://discord.gg/wvZaH3W this is the dreambot edu discord server, here you can ask questions on how to do stuff and get answers quickly https://github.com/milasoft/looter/blob/master/src/milasoft/looter this is my favourite example script. its old so you dont want to copy the actual methods in it. e.g. getBank().open is using the old dreambot api, now it would be Bank.open(), but the overall way the script is designed gives you a good idea on how to do some more complex things
    6. died in ice cave or somewhere else? ill look into adding death handling
    7. if anyone used the automated trail while the script was broken reply to this or dm me ill give you a 24 hour trial
    8. Cannonball Acc Builder gets all requirements for making cannonballs quickly and cheaply buy tut accounts -> Cannonball Acc Builder -> cCCannonballs -> ??? -> profit. as shown in the image above this script takes a lvl 3 account straight off tutorial island and does all the quests and training needed to run cCCannonballs, or any other cannonball script if you own cCCannonballs this script will automatically start it after training. these are the required items & quantities, this script will not buy items as it is quicker to buy bulk on your mule and trade them over, however you can run camalCaseShopper (free!) beforehand if you dont want to mule these items over lobsters are needed to run past enemies in the ice dungeon during knights sword. if you run into any errors take a screenshot so i can see where it broke and send me a message here or on discord: Ausbot#9334
    9. Noted, will work on a fail safe in the next few days.
    10. cCRedChinchompas Features: Automatically places the full amount of traps Detects which traps are yours and which have been placed by other users, this bot will resist being crashed Just supports red chins. Instructions: Start at feldip hills teleport spot, or the chin spot to the right, the bot will move to the right location i recommend having 10+ box traps in your inventory if you plan on running for longer than a few hours, incase of disconnections or lag spikes causing bugs Proggies: for support contact Ausbot#9334 on discord
    11. whats wrong with it? edit: did some testing everything is working fine for me.
    12. cCCannonballs Features Automatically sells cannonballs and buys steel bars when you run out (no other cannonball script does this afaik) Smiths at Edgeville furnance, can get ~2400 cannonballs an hour Mouses off screen while afking to simulate human playing Instructions Start at Edgeville with ammo mould & money in bank or steel bars, be in a members world Proggies
    13. it got stuck twice, once when you go to the varrock library to talk to reldo, again when it was time to go to falador to get the picture. it would idle in the house mouse would go to top left corner, turning the camera towards the jewellery box didnt do anything, when i opened the jewellery box manually it would start mousing over different options, not choosing any of them after talking to squire it went back to house then got stuck not going to library
    14. on knights sword quest gets stuck in house after using rejuvenation pool, got stuck when needing to go to varrock library & getting the picture from library
    15. that would be a nice feature but ill work on adding selling before that for now you will have to just copy paste your shopping list
    16. i dont know what this means i might add selling no promises though im mad lazy
    17. camalCaseShopper How to use upon starting the script this gui will appear (missing from the screenshot is the start button) write your shopping in the following format {item name or id}, {amount you want to buy}, {price} (optional) NEW LINE next item example ^ it is important you keep the list 1 item per line and inbetween each argument a ", " (note the space after the comma) the bot will automatically bank all items and withdraw gold when inventory is full, if all ge spots are used it will move mouse off screen and wait until it can collect items shoot me a dm or @ me in the comments here if you have any issues UPDATE got asked a few times so i added selling, selling will always take place after all the buy orders have been placed to sell an item you need to follow the same NAME, QUANTITY, PRICE structure but prefix the name with "SELL " (take note of the space after SELL) selling with a negative quantity will sell all of that item you have in your inventory examples SELL water rune, -1 this will sell all water runes in your inventory (if you dont have any in inventory it will take all from your bank) and sell them at dreambots liveprices price SELL water rune, 5, 1000 this will sell 5 water runes for 1000gp each SELL water rune, -1 iron axe, 1, 1000 this will buy an iron axe for 1000gp AND THEN sell all water runes for liveprices price, the script will always do buy orders first doesnt matter how you enter them. quickstart support has been added simply copy paste your shopping list from the gui into -params " ", its important your list still has new lines in it.
    18. imo this will just obfuscate script quality and do more damage then good to your farm, people bot for 6 hours on a main account and get banned, people will run a priv script for a month straight and be fine, if your bots detected its just detected & you will want to know what script has the high ban rates. >min 350/hour okay, do you have a method for that, and accounts that can do that method, which brings me onto >15 accounts / week cost per account? if you're buying them this is a weekly bill to pay + membership codes ~$30/week >initial goal 294m/week whats this like $130usd right now? idk gold prices but you are after that $120 membership bill + dreambot vip you are breaking even at best here, these prices are off top of my head so they could be wrong but probably not, plus you wanted to buy proxies so ur in the hole. no offence friend but this is straight retarded, who buys ur scuffed vps over commercial ones?
    19. nerd. this sounds like an epic idea but so many people have had it and no one does it, what koschei said above about buying a used server is more reliable & powerful probably more cost effective as well. this thread gnar notes you need a raspberry pi 4 with atleast 1gb ram to even do run the bot client, you want 15 accounts running on 4 pis? id be impressed if they can run all that.
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