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  • camelCase

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    Everything posted by camelCase

    1. 100k+ bots banned a week there isnt enough normal players to fill that void. + things like herbs come mostly from herb drop table, if bots supply gets eliminated i dont think people are then going to start doing more slayer as a result
    2. no, i do this for development and nothing bad comes of it & if jagex could tell the difference between runelite and dreambot botting would not exist
    3. nope. if they could ban all 3rd party clients (and wanted to) botting would be very different than it is rn. unlikely they will change much because botting memberships r significant without bots the game would be terrible, basic supplies like sharks would be way more expensive, herbs would probably be 30%+ more expensive -> potions going up, unplayable if you arent an ironman or willing to spend tons of time getting gp
    4. yeah, the goal of this script is to get to level 63 for red chinchompas. it will stop at level 63 (after the eagles peak).
    5. doing what, have you gotten to the monastery? do the logs say anything?
    6. would anyone be interested in a giants foundry script? looks like a pain in the ass to script but would make cannonballs 400k+/hr so i might write a script for it if there is interest
    7. you'd probably be better checking model colour instead of having a long list of all the copper vein ids smelterLocations.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble(Players.localPlayer()::distance)); cleaner than for loop why is this a filter? nice post though
    8. it affects all scripts, the client had been updated when you posted this.
    9. yeah the game just updated the client will be down for a couple hours
    10. 1 hour on 23 hour off 👍
    11. camelCase


      probably not but only one way to find out
    12. Robot robot = new Robot(); Frame clientFrame; @Override public int onLoop() { // get the main dreambot client frame, afaik the game client is the only frame that says dreambot, console & script manager dont for (Frame frame : Frame.getFrames()) { log(frame.getTitle()); if (frame.getTitle().toLowerCase().contains("dreambot")) { log("Found dreambot frame"); clientFrame = frame; } } Rectangle gameScreen = new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()); // take screenshot of ur whole screen BufferedImage screenShotImage = robot.createScreenCapture(gameScreen); // crop screenshot to only include the game client BufferedImage croppedScreenShot = screenShotImage.getSubimage(clientFrame.getX(), clientFrame.getY(), clientFrame.getWidth(), clientFrame.getHeight()); try { ImageIO.write(croppedScreenShot, "jpg", new File("screenie.jpg")); log(Color.CYAN, "took screenie"); // do whatever jda / webhook stuff youd like here to send ur image to discord } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return 5000; } you can use that code above to get a screenshot of your game pretty cool i might start using it if you want to use the same kind of logging but on someone elses script id think you could make a script that just launches a thread to run the monitor screenshot code in a loop and another thread to spawn the next script with i dont know if discord allows directly uploading images in the webhook request i think you have to use a 3rd party like imgur, wouldnt want ur bots screenshots public on imgur so id use jda
    13. loses a falcon? it should go and buy it again if that happens but how does that happen? and no it doesnt thats just an oversight, ill add that next update
    14. because boots are index 10 and legs are index 7 not 8 & 6
    15. fresh start happens on client launch how is it meant to know if you are going to use a new account or not edit: i read the full post but this sounds like bloat, just never close the client 👍
    16. bear furs trade volume is 2.,000 / day you wouldnt be able to sell these for very long
    17. to get an instance of ScriptManager you would ScriptManager manager = ScriptManager.getManager() once you use ScriptManager#stop the script will stop and wont execute ScriptManager#start, if you do it in the other order you wont be able to start a script because your current script is still running, for this reason you have to make a new thread to start a different script. heres what i do public class ScriptStarter implements Runnable{ @Override public void run() { ScriptManager manager = ScriptManager.getScriptManager(); manager.stop(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } manager.start("cCCannonballs", null); } } and then in my script when i wanted to change script i do ScriptStarter scriptStarter = new ScriptStarter(); log("trying to start cCCannonballs"); Thread t1 = new Thread(scriptStarter); t1.start();
    18. Chinchompa Acc Builder Cheapest way to get chinchompa ready accounts only requirements are membership and ~50k gp, just press go. *start script with empty weapon and shield slot *this script buries bones and will level your prayer Notes & todo once i finish my black chin script this script will be updated to support training upto lvl 73 at the same time ill add automatic starting for my black / red chins script ill look into adding butterflies as an alternative to copper longtails, this isnt default because with how often that would interact could lead to high ban rates for fast support & to show off ur proggies, join my discord discord.gg/ZMW7jWnCCM or message me directly Ausbot#9334
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