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  • SubCZ

    $300 Donor
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    Status Replies posted by SubCZ

    1. having problem with Sub Mining, it keeps going to the GE trying to buy something, I have everything with buying and selling de-selected

      1. SubCZ


        It will say in the logs what you're missing

    2. Where can i find the add on activities? , it says i don't have the add on but can't find it on the website

      1. SubCZ


        Dreambot doesn't have a feature for custom discounts unfortunately

      2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    3. Where can i find the add on activities? , it says i don't have the add on but can't find it on the website

      1. SubCZ


        The add ons are Sub Quester for quests, Sub Scarabs, Sub Spidines, and Sub Undead Druids for additional moneymakers, and Sub Slayer for all slayer masters (Konar, Duradel, etc). If you type any of those script names in the search field on the store they will show up. If you own any of them, Sub Account Builder will automatically recognize it.

      2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    4. Hey pal, i purchased sub account builder V2 Lifetime. said that the first payment didnt go through so purchased again now its saying on my bank transactions that I've purchased it twice. will the money for the 1st one be put back in my account in a few working days or?

      1. SubCZ


        You'll have to ask admins, I don't have access to payments

    5. i bought this script and it goes to bank, takes out enchanted gem, checks it, then banks and repeats. Just keeps checking the gem over and over. does nothing.

      1. SubCZ


        Let me know which slayer task you're on. Also make sure your client version says in the title and if not update the client with DBLauncher.jar

    6. I'm gonna try your sub account builder it looks really cool 😄

      1. SubCZ


        Quests are an add on and unlocked if you own Sub Quester, and yes, you need access to the GE

      2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

    7. will there be more quests added to your quester

      1. SubCZ


        yes, they're being tested currently

    8. hey bro does Zulrah script support Ring off suffering (r)?

      1. SubCZ


        Hi, ring of suffering isn't added yet

    9. Hey tested out the Zulrah Script on the 4 hr test run. I caught a 2 day ban am very new to the botting scene but very interested in this as I have a few accounts that I would like to test it out on. If you or anyone here has any advice on not getting caught in the future that would be great. However I would really like to buy this script and try it again in the future.

      1. SubCZ


        Hi, there's a guide on avoiding bans and recovering banned accounts in my discord server in the #faq channel. The server is here: https://discord.gg/gvfDzVcY

    10. i really wanted to try advanced quester but it is tied into your other questers trail so i spent the whole hr trying to figure out what was up. really should make that know so ppl dont waist there time by hitting trail on the one that only offers beginner quest.

      1. SubCZ


        Scripters don't have access to anything related to your issue, you'll have to message an admin. We just write scripts. I've reset your advanced quester trial so you can activate it again.

      2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    11. i really wanted to try advanced quester but it is tied into your other questers trail so i spent the whole hr trying to figure out what was up. really should make that know so ppl dont waist there time by hitting trail on the one that only offers beginner quest.

      1. SubCZ


        Its not tied into any other trials. Dreambot is restricting the total trials that you can use per day for any script, we cannot change that.

      2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    12. hey is sub vorkath down?

      1. SubCZ


        Everything is down at the moment, we are waiting for an update from DreamBot devs

    13. sub vorkath says you need 72 construction but you need 80 for the pool , refund please

      1. SubCZ


        You can boost from level 72, it also says that you need a rejuvenation pool in the requirements.

    14. is just me or the bot is not working it dose one command than wait 5 min than next commANDS

      1. SubCZ


        There was an issue with the last update. Will be fixed as soon as admin's approve it, should be within 24 hours

      2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

    15. is just me or the bot is not working it dose one command than wait 5 min than next commANDS

    16. Hello bought your bot, just a quick question. How can I set it up to complete a couple of quests and take a break?

      1. SubCZ


        Hi, the forum thread of the script you bought has instructions. You can find that here for the quester: 

        And here for the account builder:

        Breaks are set up in the dreambot client under the settings tab.

    17. hey man could you tell me why when ever i use the quest script it takes me to rellekka with a ring of wealth and a combat brace and just keeps clicking by the dock , it does it for every single quest

      1. SubCZ


        Try switching your spellbook to the regular spellbook. You most likely have Ancient Magicks activated and its trying to switch back using the lunar altar.

      2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    18. z10n

      z10n    SubCZ

      When is your AIO Skiller coming out and will it have human mouse?



      Honestly, I think you should provide your human mouse code to the Dreambot development team, the Dreambot would be improved with an optional human mouse using your Code. The Human Mouse could be a VIP feature, which increases VIP subscriptions in addition to Covert Mode, and then you can easily be paid from the increased subscriptions.


      Your human mouse data would substantionally increase the success of dreambots mouse humanization.


      1. SubCZ


        The AIO Account Builder is under review and should be released tonight depending on how busy admins are.

        My mouse algorithm is included in all of my scripts, but I'll keep it that way for now. I don't think DreamBot has any interest in buying anyone's mouse algorithm at the moment.

      2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    19. z10n

      z10n    SubCZ

      Hi SubCZ, I'd really like to buy or use a Woodcutting script from you, I think your one of the best coders on Dreambot.  is your AIO Script coming out soon?



      1. SubCZ


        There was a slight delay but my AIO account builder will be released this weekend. You can use it for woodcutting

      2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    20. z10n

      z10n    SubCZ

      friend, i need to chat with you =) id like to pay you to teach me scripting

      1. SubCZ


        Hey, I'm always on discord but I recommend taking a look at the free scripting resources DreamBot has to offer on the forums if you're just starting out

      2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

    21. What is the update discord? Link on profile doesn't work

    22. Hey your discord link doesn't seem to be working? purchased scarabs AIO and wanted to join to see proggies / get advice

      1. SubCZ


        Hey, the link seems to be working for me. Try this one: https://discord.gg/S2MXGqWf

    23. Hey man, so I'm interested in buying the advanced quest but I already own the standard one. To upgrade do I need to pay that much more even though the advanced has the majority of the standard quest it? 

      1. SubCZ


        Yes, I'm working on an all in one account trainer: 

        Should be able to release it in a couple weeks!

      2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    24. Hey man, so I'm interested in buying the advanced quest but I already own the standard one. To upgrade do I need to pay that much more even though the advanced has the majority of the standard quest it? 

      1. SubCZ


        Yea, I see what you're saying. The way the SDN works currently, the only way to upgrade you by paying the difference is by refunding the standard edition so you can buy the advanced edition, and that'd be up to the dev team. So yea you're correct, if you bought the advanced edition you would get the 20 additional higher level quests, but it'd be for the full price of the advanced edition unfortuantely.

      2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    25. Hey man, so I'm interested in buying the advanced quest but I already own the standard one. To upgrade do I need to pay that much more even though the advanced has the majority of the standard quest it? 

      1. SubCZ


        Hey, refunds to upgrade aren't up to us scripter unfortunately. If you purchased within the last 24 hours you should be able to get that exchanged by messaging an admin, otherwise the SDN doesn't support upgrades at the moment

      2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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