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  • jared462

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    Everything posted by jared462

    1. Tried it on another account and this time it was actually giving me logs. I'll include a screenshot of the pertinent info. Basically force fight caves. Script thinks bossing is impossible. Selects new task. If you keep trying to force it, it just cycles the same logs. Hope this helps for the next update.
    2. No luck for me. My character Just stands there. Console logs don't even show anything is happening. 😕
    3. Anyway you can post the instructions here to start fight caves?
    4. Using this script on p2p pvp world at GE. Tons of loot laying around such as various arrows, darts, knives that seem to be ignored by the script. occasionally picks up a couple of items but overall not great. Would love to see some improvement for use on pvp world! Thanks
    5. Idk what script you've been running but it's definitely not Aeglen's. I have made numerous accounts one with 1850ttl. Out of all the accounts. Only 2 have been banned within a day. Sounds more like user error then it does the actual script. Also saying a script is trash due to cost? If your broke just say that bro. No need to trash the script.
    6. Currently doing the trial and it works great! my only complaint is that when buying from the GE it types 10000MPH and mouse movement is crazy fast. Concerns me about the ban rate of this script. other than that, it works great.
    7. Hey Agelan. Been training some combat specifically training with gargoyles. For the most part it works great, my only issue is that when banking it will sometimes make multiple trips not banking the adamant platelegs and adamant boots (obviously this takes away from how much food i can bring with me). Also it will equip 1 rune full helm . Bank my Obsidian helm and the rest of the full helms.
    8. Regarding the message I sent you. Just wanted to attach a picture as well
    9. Ill run another trial run and see how it reacts! maybe it was just a one off thing. ill keep you updated
    10. Tried out the new Construction add ons and wanted to provide some feedback. The biggest issue I see is it's not very human like. for example, when using the bank, it scrolls 5000 miles an hour and the mouse moves and clicks on items to withdrawal super quick (only does this with construction skill). Then when completing contracts, it will go to an item to be fixed and if there is more than one item to be fixed in the room it spam clicks that item until the menu pops up to select what you want to build. so on and so forth. overall, I think it's a great add on but definitely needs to be slowed down. I'm going to disable it for now until it gets some more updates done to it. look forward to more updates! Hopefully more magic spells coming soon as well.
    11. When can we expect higher level Mage spells? Fire Bolt (lvl 35 spell) is painfully slow Xp at lvl 83. I would love to see at the very least the next tier of spells. This would also improve slayer XP as it would take less time to get through tasks.
    12. Any plans to add the Foundry mini game to make acquiring the smithing gloves easier? Script won't let me do blast furnace without Smithing Gloves (i). 

      1. Aeglen


        All you need is ice gloves, and in the future they will be auto collected

      2. jared462


        Awesome. So, when I try to do blast furnace with ice gloves equipped it says I need smithing gloves (i) and 200k then logs me out and stops script. the 200k I have. Just not the gloves it wants.

      3. Aeglen


        If this is really the behaviour you are seeing, press ctrl+L and send the logs (ideally over discord bug report chat). Read them yourself too to see if they explain stuff. I've not had any other reports of the bot doing this if it has ice gloves and enough gp.

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