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  • FREE Services (Limited) - Including free firecapes!


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    For a limited time only, I am offering a free service thread to build favour in the community being new here!

    For now, everybody is welcome to any service up to the value of three hours each! This can include powerlevelling, questing or even a fire cape as this was originally my forte on rs before I took a lengthy haitus a year ago.


    If you are interested, please look below and fill in the form. Today and tomorrow I am available all day. When you request a service, all will be done by hand by myself.

    Thanks for reading and happy scaping!

    Please only post if interested or querying. Any spam will be reported. Thanks!



    1. All services are hand-done.
    2. You can not log in to an account or change the password while in the middle of a service or the service may be cancelled.
    3. You must change the password before and after any given service.
    4. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to the account after the service is done.
    5. I can decline any order i wish not to do.
    6. For any order, you must already have the needed items

    Order Form:

    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete?
    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only:
    If quest/level, please specify:

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    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete: Yes
    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only: Levelling
    If quest/level, please specify: 1-whatever you are up for in fishing 


    For a limited time only, I am offering a free service thread to build favour in the community being new here!

    For now, everybody is welcome to any service up to the value of three hours each! This can include powerlevelling, questing or even a fire cape as this was originally my forte on rs before I took a lengthy haitus a year ago.


    If you are interested, please look below and fill in the form. Today and tomorrow I am available all day. When you request a service, all will be done by hand by myself.

    Thanks for reading and happy scaping!

    Please only post if interested or querying. Any spam will be reported. Thanks!



    1. All services are hand-done.
    2. You can not log in to an account or change the password while in the middle of a service or the service may be cancelled.
    3. You must change the password before and after any given service.
    4. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to the account after the service is done.
    5. I can decline any order i wish not to do.
    6. For any order, you must already have the needed items

    Order Form:

    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete?
    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only:
    If quest/level, please specify:


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    can do that buddy please pm me details


    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete: Yes
    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only: Levelling
    If quest/level, please specify: 1-whatever you are up for in fishing 

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    For a limited time only, I am offering a free service thread to build favour in the community being new here!


    For now, everybody is welcome to any service up to the value of three hours each! This can include powerlevelling, questing or even a fire cape as this was originally my forte on rs before I took a lengthy haitus a year ago.


    If you are interested, please look below and fill in the form. Today and tomorrow I am available all day. When you request a service, all will be done by hand by myself.


    Thanks for reading and happy scaping!


    Please only post if interested or querying. Any spam will be reported. Thanks!




    1. All services are hand-done.

    2. You can not log in to an account or change the password while in the middle of a service or the service may be cancelled.

    3. You must change the password before and after any given service.

    4. I'm not responsible for anything that happens to the account after the service is done.

    5. I can decline any order i wish not to do.

    6. For any order, you must already have the needed items


    Order Form:


    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete?

    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only:

    If quest/level, please specify:




    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete: Yes

    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only: Levelling

    If quest/level, please specify: 1-whatever you are up for in fishing 


    You can only leave feedback if there's some form of gold transfer, and judging by how he says it's free, there is not.

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    You can only leave feedback if there's some form of gold transfer, and judging by how he says it's free, there is not.

    All I see is this "Feedback may only be left for a user if a legitimate trade or exchange has occurred in which a non-trivial exchange was made and risk was involved. You cannot give/receive feedback to/from the same person more than once every 24 hours."


    Risk involved, I am letting him use my account and that to me would involve a risk. Weather that justifies the feedback or not I shall have to see

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    All I see is this "Feedback may only be left for a user if a legitimate trade or exchange has occurred in which a non-trivial exchange was made and risk was involved. You cannot give/receive feedback to/from the same person more than once every 24 hours."


    Risk involved, I am letting him use my account and that to me would involve a risk. Weather that justifies the feedback or we I shall have to see


    Right... you just ignored half of that sentence


    non-trivial exchange was made and risk was involved


    "AND" implies that both conditions must be met.

    1. Risk - ok you have that

    2. Nontrivial exchange - Last time I checked this was free

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    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete? Yes of course
    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only: Levelling
    If quest/level, please specify: AFK strength training at sand crabs :) easy stuff

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    Will you leave me a fb after the service is complete? Yes of course

    which service do you require? Quest/Level/Fire cape only: Levelling

    If quest/level, please specify: AFK strength training at sand crabs :) easy stuff

    Easy stuff, shoot me a pm with details bro :)

    still waiting for people to get back to me at present so currently available!! Get at me :)

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    Risk involved, I am letting him use my account and that to me would involve a risk. Weather that justifies the feedback or we I shall have to see


    Right... you just ignored half of that sentence


    non-trivial exchange was made and risk was involved


    "AND" implies that both conditions must be met.

    1. Risk - ok you have that

    2. Nontrivial exchange - Last time I checked this was free


    Weather that justifies the feedback or not I shall have to see

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