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  • Best way to bot to a main without being caught?


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    Hi guys, hope the title isn't click bait for some of you, but I was wondering what is the best way to bot to a main starting for an account what just came off the Tutorial Island WITHOUT getting caught?



    If you can, could you add how long breaks I should make my bots take for the best method of not being caught.



    In fact any tips what will help me NOT getting caught botting will be great!





    P.S Please don't just say "Don't bot." ;)



    Oh.. If it all goes to plan I'll be sure to post some progress of the accounts.




    (If this post is in the wrong section, please do move it to the right one as wasn't sure where to post this.)

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    best way would be to buy a private script off a reliable scripter. use vpns, good anti ban on the script. obvious one is not to script for too long. I would limit to about 2 hrs a day if it were to be my main. stop script and actually play during regular intervals.


    edit: for a main account, just off tut island, i would just make a few accounts and bot pretty hardcore on them and see which ones get banned.

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    I mean the most universal tip for botting is "Don't bot on accounts you care about" so i wouldn't recommend botting on a main.


    However, if you're going to do it, I'd say make sure to get a high quality script with very good antiban and to not bot common methods such as mining, woodcutting etc as they are heavily botted and are likely to get you banned.



    1 - Don't Bot Main

    2 - If you Ignore #1, get a HQ script with good antiban and bot low-key methods (not woodcutting, mining, fishing etc)

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    best way would be to buy a private script off a reliable scripter. use vpns, good anti ban on the script. obvious one is not to script for too long. I would limit to about 2 hrs a day if it were to be my main. stop script and actually play during regular intervals.


    edit: for a main account, just off tut island, i would just make a few accounts and bot pretty hardcore on them and see which ones get banned.

    Not sure I have enough money to get VPNs etc.


    I mean the most universal tip for botting is "Don't bot on accounts you care about" so i wouldn't recommend botting on a main.


    However, if you're going to do it, I'd say make sure to get a high quality script with very good antiban and to not bot common methods such as mining, woodcutting etc as they are heavily botted and are likely to get you banned.



    1 - Don't Bot Main

    2 - If you Ignore #1, get a HQ script with good antiban and bot low-key methods (not woodcutting, mining, fishing etc)

    Yeah, I haven't botted on my main, but was wanting to start to bot & try to make this botted account my main (for doing boring skills, etc.)


    EDIT: Wasn't specific enough, but I mean start with a fresh account and try to bot it to my new main. :P

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    In my opinion,in 2017 OSRS botting to a max main is impossible.

    I Wish you luck though.


    As the guys said use private scripts.

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    Not sure I have enough money to get VPNs etc.


    Yeah, I haven't botted on my main, but was wanting to start to bot & try to make this botted account my main (for doing boring skills, etc.)


    EDIT: Wasn't specific enough, but I mean start with a fresh account and try to bot it to my new main. :P

    dont buy  a vpn then but defo recommend a priv script if ur gonna use for a main acc

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    In my opinion,in 2017 OSRS botting to a max main is impossible.

    I Wish you luck though.


    As the guys said use private scripts.

    Thanks mate, I don't know if it's possible either. At this moment I just wish I knew how to script so I could use my own.. :P

    dont buy  a vpn then but defo recommend a priv script if ur gonna use for a main acc

    Thanks man! :) I've been using Cow Killer manage to get around 1.5M worth of Cowhides before the accounts get banned :)

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    Bot an alt, transfer gp to main, use better methods on main.


    Or use bots to help your main. I wrote some banker bots so I can do various training more efficiently, etc. I also botted up some pures and wrote a clanwars script that gave me amazing exp/h on my main.


    Pures got banned tho :o

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    In all seriousness, if you're going to bot a main account, don't do cliche methods for certain skills (powermining iron, killing druids, any kind of power leveling methods). 


    I'd stick with short term, low traffic areas because most bans come from players being reported (unless it's a monitored area).

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