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  • A Thanks to our Beta Scripters and Users!


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    As you should know, the developers launched the official client release yesterday with Dreambot version 1.15. All beta scripters and users have been returned to their regular ranks.


    Thank you to everyone who helped the developers expedite the development process by providing bug reports and suggestions, your help was greatly appreciated. Over the next couple of days, we will be providing the community with more information about how our script developer ranks work.



    The Dreambot staff


    Congratulations everyone on the official release and thanks to all the beta testers who helped. <3


    You're welcome.



    Kidding, I did nothing but check the client out for errors. Looked great. 


    np 2ez ez bot ez lyfe ez game ez world ez ez


    Thanks to all the beta scripters! :D


    It was awesome testing the client, posting errors in the tracker, and individual script errors :)


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