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    Who banned you: username : Don't know, think it may have been Swaq

    Why were you banned: Account was locked due to it apparently being stolen, at the time I was childish and I guess pathetic enough to not refund @rampageNL at the time.

    Why should you be unbanned: Personally I would just like to refund this user @rampageNL I totally understand if you don't want to unban and that's your final choice I have no input in it. 

    I was unbanned on Powerbot and should soon be unbanned on sythe, I have grown and matured up I believe. While being unbanned on PB I have gained 100+ Feedback, sold 80+ accounts been trusted with 400m+ at times, sold accounts onwards of 200-300m 07. 


    I only made this account for the appeal so afterwards you could go ahead and ban it.

    If anyone could speak to me about refunding the user it would be greatly appreciated. 


    I apologize for my actions at the time not replying to the dispute, stupid of me, I fully take responsibility and should have helped him recover the account or give him the refund at the time, it has been a while I know. 


    Thanks for taking the time to look at this and hopefully it gets resolved

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    @rampageNL and I have came up with the initial refund of 25m 07 for the account, I am going to be refunding the money as soon as I have finished what I have done. 


    Will post screenshots or a video of me refunding.

    *hidden personal info*


    User has been refunded. 

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    Please have @rampageNL post here saying he has been refunded.

    He has went off skype, I got a PM from him confirming it was him on skype


    Please have @rampageNL post here saying he has been refunded.

    Nezz this is just so you know he probably wont post on the topic.


    *hidden personal info*

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