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  • Road To 91 Runecrafting.


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    Just found out about dreambot, and instantly decided that I wanted to get back into runescape after not playing since EOC was released, so what I did was create a new account, and my current goal is to get from 1 to 91 runecrafting, in about 2 weeks. I'm not sure if that's possible.. but its worth a try. I'm really hoping I don't get banned throughout my journey. Because double nats would make me a ton of money on 07. Hopefully I get lucky on my journey, still haven't figured out how i'm gonna bot the levels though because I sort of want to start off as a skiller.


    If any veteran botters, have any tips and tricks I'd love to hear them.

    & can someone give me a proper estimate in how long 1-91 rune crafting will take?


    Got to 1-44 rune crafting on the first day of using Fanjey Runecrafter.

    Took me about 8 hours. But I got perm banned :(

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    I would suggest playing on the account semi-legit on the way to 91. Do quests, train other skills, then bot rc when at school / work. Maybe break the goal up into 1-2 months so you don't get banned.

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    91 through unattended botting is almost non-existant in this botting age. As dashy said, although I don't know how bans are actually caused, make yourself look semi-legit

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