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  • lily's Pasta Sauce Recipe


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    lily's Pasta Sauce Recipe


    Paaaaaaaaaaasta is terrible without sauce. So make this.



    - Is yummy

    - Can go on really any pasta

    - Is full of really good nutrients

    - Uses strong custom antiban




    - Things you'll need are: Saucepan, stove, food processor/blender thing (I use a Magic Bullet), pasta to put it on duh

    - Ingedients: Tomatoes (if canned drain about half the juice), dark colored greens (I use kale or spinach), onion, olive oil, garlic, sauce add-in (mushrooms, chicken, beef), vodka (optional)

    - Start up the food processor and grind up tomatoes, greens, onion, and a bit of garlic, put in more greens than you think you need, they get teeny

    - Pour in to a saucepan and start on high heat. 

    - Mix in a bit of olive oil and a shot or two of vodka (if you want)

    - Put in your add-in, I use sliced mushrooms, but if you have a meat, cook it some beforehand

    - Stir gently for a while until it's bubbling, and then reduce to medium heat

    - Simmer for a while, and add salt/pepper to taste. If you want any other herbs put them in now too

    - If you want thicker sauce (most non-storebought sauce is quite thin) then simmer longer or add in canned tomato paste

    - Serve over your pasta with parmesan if you like and enjoy!






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    Anyone else not able to open tomato can? Pls I want to bot eat pasta. Pls fox devolipers.




    This is an issue with the Can API and not something I can fix myself. I've let the developers know and I'm hacking up a rough workaround as we speak!

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