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  • ❤️ # AIO Gauntlet ❤️ | Corrupted | Crystalline | 5-to-1 | Vengeance | Efficient | Configurable

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    ❤️ # AIO Gauntlet ❤️

    Introducing # Gauntlet, # Corrupted Gauntlet and # AIO Gauntlet, the most advanced Crystalline and Corrupted Gauntlet scripts available on the market! These scripts automate the minigame for you very efficiently and provide lots of customization options.

    Requirements: Old_school_bond.png?2b41b Membership, Quest_point_icon.png?dc356 Song of the Elves, High combat stats

    P4mcnF2.png or yKZDv2Y.png



    • Supports making Tier 3 staff and bow.
    • Supports 5-to-1 method.
      • Obtain one Tier 3 weapon, a Tier 1 weapon and use unarmed attack as the third attack style.
      • 5-to-1 can be used always, never or only when boss is protecting melee in the beginning. If set to always, the bot will restart the minigame until the boss is protecting melee.
    • Supports making basic Tier 1 armour.
      • Armour can be set to be made always, never, when doing 5-to-1 method or when not doing 5-to-1 method.
      • Armour is highly recommended for Corrupted Gauntlet!
    • Uses an advanced algorithm in the boss room to avoid danger.
      • Does not walk under the boss.
      • Does not stand on top of dangerous tiles.
      • Escapes tornadoes efficiently.
    • Augury.png?f234eRigour.png?159e1Mystic_Might.png?b0218Eagle_Eye.png?4a200 Supports flicking Augury, Rigour, Mystic Might and Eagle Eye.
    • Protect_from_Melee.png?65856Protect_from_Missiles.png?686a4Protect_from_Magic.png?5c9d8 Efficiently switches protection prayers while searching for resources and fighting the boss.
    • Redemption.png?a7fb5 Will occasionally use Redemption to restore health in boss battle given appropriate circumstances.
    • Vengeance_icon_(mobile).png?00914 Use Vengeance spell from Lunar spellbook on either a demi boss or the main boss.
    • Rune_pouch.png?28dbb Divine_rune_pouch.png?1815d Rune pouch support for Vengeance.
    • Magic_potion(4).png?ed6d0 Magic potion support for Vengeance at 89 Magic_icon.png?334cf.
    • Can be used with or without menu manipulation (no VIP required).
    • Configurable minimum food and potion amounts with randomization between rounds.
    • Advanced stop setting configuration (see images below).


    Please note that if your account hasn't completed Crystalline Gauntlet before you attempt to run # Corrupted Gauntlet, the script will complete the Crystalline Gauntlet minigame to obtain access to the Corrupted version only if you have access to # Gauntlet or # AIO Gauntlet! 




    User reviews


    Bought this script ran it for a little while so far and got 700 kill count so far, 2 pets. Really bad RNG on my part for no enhanced seeds but I should have some soon! Script works really well getting about 90% kill rate (yours might be slightly higher/lower depending on stats).

    Satisfied with this purchase, I recommend. 



    never did CG, never will manually, give it a trail and you will see 


    On 12/12/2024 at 2:39 AM, xRoshi said:

    I have been waiting for a CG script to come out and got this upon the release. The settings took some time to get right for my account, but we were able to green log CG in under 300kc.

    The initial release had some issues, but Hashtag was and has been very receptive of all of the feedback on his Discord and through the bug reporting, even during the holiday season. With all that being said, I am currently running around a 85-90% success rate with my current settings. Thanks again to Hashtag for making this! Continue to keep up the great work!


    On 12/12/2024 at 12:43 AM, DramaDon said:

    Wanted to give a little shoutout to Hashtag.

    No script is without its flaws on release, especially ones as complicated as The Gauntlet. 

    I started using it as soon as it came out. Adjustments were made by Hashtag along the way and I was able to get a corrupted bowfa in 5 days on my ironman. Didn't expect that to happen at all on my account tbh. It completes the corrupted gauntlet successfully about 80% of the time, which is more than enough for anyone to be happy.

    Thanks agin to Hashtag for developing it and updating it as needed with community feedback.

    For anyone curious about it, its 100% worth it and operates just fine it you run it properly based on your account.


    On 12/11/2024 at 10:42 PM, scout 4 wild said:

    this is the ONE. G R E A T outcomes. cant talk bad when i found 51/0/100% KDR ratio. 


    On 12/11/2024 at 3:49 AM, Boldcitymage said:

    I mean my 500 kc in the last 3 or 4 days says it's working pretty alright lol 


    On 12/5/2024 at 6:53 PM, Boldcitymage said:

    After this update I've been running at 100% kdr thanks mate it's running so smooth now 🥳


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    # Gauntlet has been approved and is now live on the SDN!

    # Corrupted Gauntlet has been approved and is now live on the SDN!

    # AIO Gauntlet has been approved and is now live on the SDN!


    30 minutes into trial, its failed every attempt, never fully gear for boss fight, using suggested setup, im 90+ combat stats

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