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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Are you not able to open the client? Try following our getting started guide
  • Still not working? Try downloading and running JarFix
  • Help! My bot doesn't do anything! Enable fresh start in client settings and restart the client
  • How to purchase with PayPal/OSRS/Crypto gold? You can purchase vouchers from other users
  • Refund Request Template [REQUIRED]


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    Please see our Store Terms and Refund Policy before using this template.

    For a guide on taking screenshots and gifs/videos, please see this guide.

    Runtime Limits

    All script purchases after August 7, 2021 are subject to our new runtime limits when requesting a refund. If you have used and ran the purchased script more than 6 hours across all accounts you are no longer eligible for refund unless it meets another valid reason (early removal, abandoned, etc.).

    You Can Find Your Recent Runtime Here

    Any refund requests made without using this template will be automatically declined. This template is to make the process easier on you and our staff.

    Script Refund Request Template:

    1. Date Purchased: 
    2. Script Purchased: 
    3. Script Creator (tag them with @): 
    4. Reason for Refund: 
    5. Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs): 
    6. Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): 
    7. Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap

    VIP/Sponsor/Lifetime Sponsor Refund Template:

    1. Date Purchased: 
    2. Product Purchased: 
    3. Reason for Refund: 


    The Dream Team

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