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  • Refund Grevs Lite


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    1. Date Purchased: 02/25/24
    2. Script Purchased: GRevsLite (10 Active Instances (VIP Required!))
    3. Script Creator (tag them with @): @Nuclear Nezz
    4. Reason for Refund: 

      I would like to request a refund for the 10-instance script I purchased! , the point is that I bought and used it on 8 accounts, but in less than 6 hours I received 6 bans!

      When joining the Grevs discord, the community informed me that it has a high ban rate, and it won't work for me!

      I actually purchased a 1-instance version, which was a successful test, but I didn't know it had such a high ban rate.

      I'm using VPS to use the bot, with breaking simulating a human, breaks to 'sleep', 'eat',

      I'm Brazilian and this script is very expensive for me, please consider my dissatisfaction and help me with the refund!

    5. image.thumb.png.514172b0449be991b0f5dd0048c593c0.pngimage.thumb.png.57a46c9c0a180acffe2fab89a80c915a.png
    6. Proof of Issues (required: screenshots, videos, and/or DreamBot logs):  na
    7. Proof of Script Creator Contact (required: screenshots, videos, and/or links to replies): na
    8. Desired Outcome: Refund (back to payment method or store credit) / Issue Fixed / Script Swap : charge back 
    Edited by budanoia
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    Hi, we're sorry to hear about the bans.

    However, we don't qualify getting banned as a valid reason for a refund. For this reason, this request is denied.

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