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    Didn't think I'd be using the forums much, but it turns out I have a lot of questions ha. If anyone could let me know where best to ask generic questions, it'd be appreciated :)

    Anyhow, myself, I played Runescape back in..Gosh, 2006 onwards for a couple of years? Parents never trusted their credit card info online at the time, so I was always stuck in F2P. Never had the confidence to even message other players back then either, so all items I traded were to general stores. I was pretty awful. 

    Tried the game on and off for a bit, ended up enjoying RS3 Ironman more than OSRS since I really did miss Summoning and Dungeoneering, but I also wholefully agreed that RS3 did feel too ezscape with use of the GE, which effectively just turns every item into money in a much too efficient way for my liking. 

    Been playing RS3 Ironman for around 2 months now and still enjoying it, but after a few YouTube videos I started seeing some botting videos. I botted back in the day, but never much, and never had a clue as to what was happening. 

    Now though, I think it'd be a fun little side activity to set myself some goals, see what I can achieve with a bot farm, maybe even write my own script. My love for video games is dying out (I'm 27 now and responsibilities are piling up a lot) so something else to fill the void where I can theorycraft sounds like a great little hobby for myself, alongside potentially turning a profit. 

    Just lost my virginity by experiencing my first ever account ban too :) 

    Have a good day, and see you all around! 



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