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  • Gains Bolt Enchanter [~425k Magic xp/h] - [1-Tick training] - [G.E. support] - [Task system] - [QuickStart]


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    Up to 425k Magic xp/h - 1-Tick training




    • Trains Magic by 1-tick enchanting bolts.
    • When X amount of items have been processed or the desired level has been reached, the bot will start the next task.
    • You can save the task list and settings to a text file and load them quickly.
    • Supports any equipment, for example, jewelry for teleporting.
    • Supports the buying and selling of items in the Grand Exchange.
    • Supports QuickStart.
    • Provides the fastest Magic experience per hour in the game.



    • Have at least 4 Magic.



    • Have bolts in the bank.
    • Have the required runes in the bank.
    • If using a staff, have it in the bank.


    Items supported:


    Opal bolts (e) 5.pngOpal dragon boltsSapphire bolts (e) 5.pngSapphire dragon boltsJade bolts (e) 5.pngJade dragon boltsPearl bolts (e) 5.pngPearl dragon boltsEmerald bolts (e) 5.pngEmerald dragon boltsTopaz bolts (e) 5.pngTopaz dragon boltsRuby bolts (e) 5.pngRuby dragon boltsDiamond bolts (e) 5.pngDiamond dragon boltsDragonstone bolts (e) 5.pngDragonstone dragon boltsOnyx bolts (e) 5.pngOnyx dragon bolts

    Staves (all variations)














    @swagster420 Good lord this script is amazing, the magic exp per hour really does hit 450k with onyx bolts. 100% recommend works absolutely flawlessly.



    • Fill out the form and save the task list and settings to a text file.
    • Open the text file and copy everything.
    • Add -params "" at the end of your QuickStart file.
    • Paste the settings inside the quotation marks.
    • Example: -params "Tasks:1. Skill: Bolt Enchanter | Bolts: Ruby bolts | Equipment: Staff of fire | Goal: Reach level 87;2. Skill: Bolt Enchanter | Bolts: Onyx bolts | Equipment: Staff of fire | Goal: Process 10000 items # Settings:true;50;30;120;70;2"
    • You can edit the text manually but it has to be perfect, otherwise it won't work.


    Click here to leave a review for the script


    Edited by Gains
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    • Gains changed the title to Gains Bolt Enchanter [~425k Magic xp/h] - [1-Tick training] - [QuickStart support] - [Low requirements]
    • 2 weeks later...

    hey man.just purchased  this and its maxing at 175k xp an hour on ruby bolts. its not 1 ticking very well.


    ignore that. was on a bad world

    Edited by woadman12345
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    • 1 month later...
    20 minutes ago, kipz said:

    script wont start with all item in inventory with staff equipped? 

    Did you start the script form the GUI that popped up?

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    58 minutes ago, Gains said:

    Did you start the script form the GUI that popped up?

    sorted all working now. for some reason free trial didn't work but once i purchased it did 

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    • 4 weeks later...
    6 minutes ago, DimitriWhite said:

    Would it be possible to add make, "log out when out of supplies" optional?

    Besides that 10/10.

    I can add that option to my scripts when it's time to update them all but that will be somewhere in the near future.

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