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  • Help with a Tile Walker


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    I wrote a tile walker for one of my scripts and i am having an issue with it.

    The way it works is based on @420x69x420 Tile Walker but instead of iterating all at once it goes to next tile on each tick. If the tile is not available on the screen it uses a random tile nearby selected tile.

    The error seems to be when incrementing pathStep but i only increment it once. The arrays that im passing through range in lengh from 8 - 11. Somewhere durring the walking method it increments pathStep more than once and gets to the end of the available path before actually being there. I think this my java skill being challenge not an issue with DreamBot. Can you see where i am doing wrong with this?

    Console Output

    2:39:41 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:41 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:41 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 0
    2:39:41 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:39:43 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:43 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:43 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 1
    2:39:43 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:39:46 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:46 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:46 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 2
    2:39:46 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:39:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 3
    2:39:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 4
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 5
    2:39:57 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:04 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:04 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:04 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 6
    2:40:04 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:13 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:13 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:13 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 7
    2:40:13 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:23 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:23 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:23 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 8
    2:40:24 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:32 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:32 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:32 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 9
    2:40:33 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:42 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:42 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:42 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 10
    2:40:42 PM: [ERROR] Walking Path selected is larger than available path.
    2:40:42 PM: [ERROR] Error: 10 >= 10
    2:40:42 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:51 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 11
    2:40:51 PM: [ERROR] Walking Path selected is larger than available path.
    2:40:51 PM: [ERROR] Error: 11 >= 10
    2:40:52 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking
    2:40:55 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:55 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:55 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 12
    2:40:55 PM: [ERROR] Walking Path selected is larger than available path.
    2:40:55 PM: [ERROR] Error: 12 >= 10
    2:40:55 PM: [SCRIPT] Didnt walk to (3166, 3305, 0)
    2:40:56 PM: [SCRIPT] Using Path Walker
    2:40:56 PM: [SCRIPT] Path Length: 10
    2:40:56 PM: [SCRIPT] Current Step: 12
    2:40:56 PM: [ERROR] Walking Path selected is larger than available path.
    2:40:56 PM: [ERROR] Error: 12 >= 10
    2:40:56 PM: [SCRIPT] Started Walking

    Code Below

    import ghostdata.flourpots.ScriptStats;
    import ghostdata.framework.behaviortree.Node;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.Calculations;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.MethodProvider;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.interactive.Players;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Area;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Map;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.map.Tile;
    import org.dreambot.api.methods.walking.impl.Walking;
    import org.dreambot.api.utilities.impl.Condition;
    public abstract class AdvancedWalker implements Node {
        private final Area finalArea;
        private Tile[][] availablePaths = null;
        private int selectedPath = -1;
        private int pathStep = 0;
        public AdvancedWalker(Area area) {
            this.finalArea = area;
        public AdvancedWalker(Area area, Tile[]... walkingPaths) {
            this.finalArea = area;
            this.availablePaths = walkingPaths;
        public Object tick() {
            if (finalArea.contains(Players.localPlayer().getTile())) {
                selectedPath = -1;
                return onArrival();
            if (selectedPath == -1) {
                selectedPath = Calculations.random(0, availablePaths.length);
                pathStep = findClosestTileIndex(availablePaths[selectedPath]);
            if (Players.localPlayer().isMoving()) {
                return -1;
            Tile walkTile = null;
            if (availablePaths == null || availablePaths.length == 0) {
                walkTile = ScriptStats.R.nextBoolean() ? finalArea.getRandomTile() : finalArea.getTile();
                MethodProvider.log("Using Area Walker");
            } else {
                MethodProvider.log("Using Path Walker");
                try {
                    Tile[] path = availablePaths[selectedPath];
                    MethodProvider.log("Path Length: " + path.length);
                    MethodProvider.log("Path Step: " + pathStep);
                    if (pathStep >= path.length) {
                        walkTile = finalArea.getTile().getRandomizedTile(1);
                        MethodProvider.logError("Walking Path selected is larger than available path. Using Random Tile.");
                        MethodProvider.logError("Error: " + pathStep + " >= " + path.length);
                    } else {
                        walkTile = path[pathStep];
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    MethodProvider.logError("There was an error with AdvancedWalker. Out of Bounds.");
            if (walkTile(walkTile != null ? walkTile : finalArea.getRandomTile(), 1)) {
                MethodProvider.log("Started Walking");
                pathStep += 1;
            } else {
                MethodProvider.log("Didn't walk to " + walkTile);
            return new Object[] {
                    (Condition) () -> Walking.getDestinationDistance() <= 1,
                    Calculations.random(3000, 10000)
        public abstract Object onArrival();
        private final int findClosestTileIndex(Tile[] tiles) {
            int closestIndex = 0;
            double closestDistance = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
                Tile tile = tiles[i];
                double distance = tile.distance(Players.localPlayer().getTile());
                if (distance < closestDistance || closestDistance == -1) {
                    closestDistance = distance;
                    closestIndex = i;
            return closestIndex;
        public boolean walkTile(Tile tile, int shouldWalk) {
            return walkTile(tile, shouldWalk, true);
        public boolean walkTile(Tile tile, int shouldWalk, boolean findClosest) {
            if (Map.isTileOnMap(tile)) {
                if (Walking.shouldWalk(shouldWalk)) {
                    int bounds = Calculations.random(0, 100);
                    if (bounds <= 25) {
                        return Map.interact(tile, "Walk here");
                    } else if (bounds >= 75) {
                        return Walking.clickTileOnMinimap(tile);
                    } else {
                        return Walking.walk(tile);
            } else if (findClosest) {
                return Walking.walk(tile.getRandomizedTile(2));
            return false;



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    Your error is cause you are incrementing path step and never resetting it when its about to hit array length.

    if (pathStep >= path.length) {
        walkTile = finalArea.getTile().getRandomizedTile(1);
        MethodProvider.logError("Walking Path selected is larger than available path. Using Random Tile.");
        MethodProvider.logError("Error: " + pathStep + " >= " + path.length);
    } else {
        walkTile = path[pathStep];


    if (pathStep + 1 >= path.length) 
        pathStep = 0;
        MethodProvider.log("Resetting path step");
        walkTile = path[pathStep];

    Within your try block

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    25 minutes ago, Axolotl said:


    if (pathStep + 1 >= path.length) 
        pathStep = 0;
        MethodProvider.log("Resetting path step");
        walkTile = path[pathStep];

    Within your try block

    To take your advice i have a method called findClosestTileIndex that i am using to change the pathStep if i start from the closest tile in the path and use that to change the pathStep when the array is out of bounds. I also changed the return condition to better account for if the player is still out of range

    What it looks like now...

    if (pathStep >= path.length) {
        MethodProvider.logError("Walking Path selected is larger than available path. Finding Closest Tile Index.");
        MethodProvider.logError("Error: " + pathStep + " >= " + path.length);
        pathStep = findClosestTileIndex(path);
        MethodProvider.logError("Found Closest Tile Index - " + pathStep);
    walkTile = path[pathStep];

    Doing all of that seems to have fixed the issue that i was having on a smaller scale.


    Thanks for the help @Axolotl

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